In the early 70's my husband, child and I moved to an apartment that was provided by his employer. The property consisted of 3 houses and several greenhouses. The business was a wholesale florist. The apartment was over the oldest house (the owners grandparents). It was a cute apartment and worked well with my small family. But for some reason I always felt uneasy at night and liked to keep a light on when going to sleep. Many times when visiting the mother of the owner (she was in the 3rd house) I would tell her of my creepy feelings and asked if there were any deaths in that house and she couldn't remember any.
In '72 I had my second child while living there and being busy with 2 children I was too tired at night to dwell on my feelings. But a year after my 2nd child was born, my marriage was in trouble and I found myself sleeping on the couch. I stayed up late, reading or watching television and when I could finally fall asleep, I made sure a light was on because a few times when I turned off the tv and the room got dark, I would start to feel fearful.
The final year of living in this apartment I had one experience. I had fallen asleep while watching tv and for a brief moment I woke up and shut it off. I drifted back to sleep only to be wakened by my son. ONLY it wasn't my son because just as I said to this child standing next to my head, Karl what are you doing out of bed, the child vaporized right before my eyes. Poof into thin air, I quickly turned on the light and after I calmed down, I was able to get back to sleep.
I also remember one time before I started sleeping on the couch, I was asleep in the bedroom and my husband got up early to go hunting and he woke me up to say goodbye. I didn't feel the need to turn a light on as it was early morning, but it was before the sun was up so the house was dark. Unfortunately right after he left, that feeling came over me again and I jumped out of bed and turned on the closest light.
I never did find out who this little boy was or why I felt so creeped out in this apartment, and other than that one episode I did not see any evidence of ghosts or a haunting.
Don't know if because the marriage was shakey also added to the black mood or if the black mood affected the marriage.
My family is fine the kids are 39 and 36 now and I have been divorced from their father since 1975. So the marriage didn't last more then 5 years and it was during the time we lived in that apartment we split up. But it was a rocky marriage almost from the beginning (too young to be married) 😆