I am not religious but believe in good and bad. I also know if something attacks I have got no faith to protect myself. I do realize that this is a problem but can't put my faith into either side.
My problem is I have been having dreams where someone or something is using me for sex. At first I thought it was a dream and this was the best sex dream I ever had but the second time I dreamed this, I got worried since it does not really feel like a dream.
After the third night I really got scared since this is not normal. It only happens when I am alone at night. Dream or no dream when I wake up, it looks like I have been swimming, so wet my hair is- I have to change my bed sheets and pillows. It feels so real that I told my husband (who works only night shift). I am too scared to sleep so I would rather stay up through the night which is a problem.
I have not had a good night's rest unless during day time. This got so much out o control that at night wherever I am, there has to be some kind of light on. If the lights are off, I don't go near the room. My husband thinks I am crazy and he laughs at me, but this is something I don't know how to handle.
At this moment I am looking for a night shift work to prevent myself from sleeping. Is there any way I can sort this problem out? I read that I can use salt around my bed, will that work?