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Native American


My house is built on a hill in the woods. It's only 23 years old so I know the house it's self is not haunted. But in the back of my woods were a once Native American tribe settled. Now it's not a burial ground or anything like that, but they just settled there. I know this because my history teacher did a lot of researching to find it out.

It all started when I moved here with my grandparents. At the bottom of my hill there was some really weird pottery. You could tell it was really old. Then after a couple years we had a huge storm come through and cause heavy rain and some mud slides. It buried the pottery. Prior to this moment I never have seen this ghost. But after it I started seeing a Native American looking a woman who was just walking around down there. I see her every morning as I'm walking down to the bottom of my hill for the bus. Now she was never hostile in all the times I've seen her. Actually when you walk by here you get a very welcoming feeling.

I've done many ghost hunts by the way but will talk about those in other stories. But during these ghost hunts I always see her. During one particular I was hunting with a skeptic. And she refused to come out and walk around like she normally does.

My friend made the mistake of calling her out using vulgar words. After awhile he just said "show yourself b***h" and in a blink of an eye a door stopper flew out from in front of my house and missed his face by an inch or two. I wanted to make sure it didn't just like fall off my parigo so I climbed up there and dropped it and it didn't make the same noise when it hit the ground before. So I went in front of my house and threw it. It made the same noise and landed in the exact same place as it did when he almost got hit. The thing is my grandparents were sleeping and my brother was still at work. So that kind of startled us so we went ghost hunting in my woods.

We were under a big tree and my friend was just kind of asking me about the lay out of my woods and he was looking another way and when I turned to look at what he was looking at, I saw a man hanging there by his neck. Now I've seen him before but never this close I mean he was high up and I could only see his legs a first and then I looked up and really couldn't make out his face.

This all happened in a matter of seconds. It takes a lot to make me jump but I did. I jumped and yelled some uhhh words. But my friend turned and he disappeared. Now when I see this ghost I always get this feeling pure like hatred. This is practically because I'm part psychic. Due to my family heritage leading back to gypsies. I always get this feeling. It's really weird.

Recently I went ghost hunting with my ex-girlfriend and my brother and his girl friend. We were taking pictures of the tree and we only caught a man in a robe far off in the distance. But the day after I went out alone and the tree that he hung from was completely ripped off the tree. I mean I didn't see it happen but I looks like King Kong needed a tooth pick and pulled it off the tree.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, nightmare0308, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
Its not a good idea messing with Native American Spirits. There is a lake close to where I live on Long Island called Lake Ronkonkoma It is Haunted by the spirit of a Native American Princess's who claims a victim every year by Drowning them and the victim is always a white male
nightmare0308 (2 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-12)
good new whitebuffalo, my friendwas over yester day and we tookpics but we need to brighten them up... But we might have caught a the female ghost standing up against a tree
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-07)
You are absolutely correct. I could NOT have learned if I had not asked the questions. And I thank you for allowing me to learn what I have about the significance of this tale.
Thank you.
nightmare0308 (2 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-07)
whitebuffalo, I have no reason to be upset. How can you learn with out asking
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-06)
Thank you, nightmare0308,
I appreciate the fact that you are not getting upset with my line of questioning. I am just concerned that the Maiden may have lost something in the field, or is bound to the land by a promise made before death. As the description is "aimlessly" that kind of makes it difficult to ascertain.
Thank you.
Jasmin314 (13 stories) (210 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-06)
Wow, that is great. You seem very passive about all this when it is a BIG deal that you were actually able to catch a man wearing a robe on film. Althogh he is not the spirit/ghost you were hoping to see, it is still amazing. Yea, your friend should have never disrespected the woman spirit like that. I would have been very upset with him.
nightmare0308 (2 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-06)
whitebuffalo, she just walks around aimlessly. The limb was a from a healthy tree the color I'm not sure but it was still living its a very big and old tree
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-06)
I have no doubts that you know all of the definitions of the types of ghosts that we are aware of, but would you mind answering what it is that The Maiden does as she walks around? Or do you know, straight out, that she is a residual haunting? I am concerned as, if you are in such close proximity to someone who is in need of assistance, YOU would be the one available to help someone Cross Over.
I do not generally ask questions lightly. There USUALLY is a purpose to those I DO ask, and I tend to not give my full response, or thoughts, to an account until all of the facts are in.
Can you also describe the edge of the limb that was taken from the tree? I know that you said it was as if it were torn off. Is the limb green, brown, tree in the midst of strong growth? Just trying to sort out some of the things I do not instinctively know.
As a self confessed ghost hunter, I would think that you would want all the verification that you could get, and I am just trying to help you look beyond what you have already seen.
Thank you, Autumn
nightmare0308 (2 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-04)
whitebuffalo. The limb was right next to the tree. And no there was no storm that night acually it was a very calm night
nightmare0308 (2 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-04)
thanks everyone and I do know the diffrent types of haunting I never get scared its just you have to see it from my point of view he like right in my face when I turned around so yeah caught me off guard
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-04)
Hi and welcome to this site. I enjoyed reading your story. The first thing to remember about a ghost hunt is to respective to the dead. We must remeber that once they were like you and me. What your friend did was silly and she was lucky that nothing happened to her. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
My apologies, I just saw the comment in which you state that the photo's are on someone else's camera and MAY have been deleted.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
Talk about angering the Spirits by taunting them. I do hope that your friend saw the err of his ways and went back to apologize to The Maiden. I am just curious. You say that she was just out there walking around. Did there seem to be a pattern, or an obvious REASON for the walk? As you see her every morning while going out to the bus, have you seen her routine differ at all?
I can WELL imagine that you feel an anger from the man hanging from a tree. I can imagine that those who were unjustly (and justly as well) hung for their crimes (real and imagined) showed quite a bit of anger toward the lynch man, and the crowd that gathered to see the deed done. No matter how small the crowd.
I would LOVE to see that photograph of the man in the robe. Is there any way you can link it to this story?
The missing branch; was there a storm that may have taken it out? The ENTIRE branch just took off? And in Pennsylvania, I would be more inclined to think of Big Foot than King Kong (😊 just trying at a bit of humor there. I know; Weak) It would be interesting to find out where the entire limb went.
Thank you.
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
Good thing you like to ghost hunt considering you seem to have the gift. Maybe you just need some more experience with handling what you see. Most ghost hunters with experience don't get spooked easily and know the difference between the kinds of hauntings. Then there is what to do about it once a haunting is determined. Lots to learn but if you have the gift and want to use it learn all you can. I don't know how I would feel about having this kind of sensitivity. I often wonder how people deal with it successfully. I wonder how much weird stuff you could experience and still keep your head on straight. The ones that can usually end up writing a book to help others cope. Knowledge is power.
nightmare0308 (2 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
Bellissima, yeah thanks the pictures I can't get quite yet because there on my bro's gf's camera dn I think she deleted then so I'm just going to have to recapture them
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-01)
Hi nightmare. Post some pictures!I'm sorry he's been 'let loose' so to say.That's awful. Since you felt such hostility from him hanging there, I guess you feel it from him wandering around. That must be terrible for you, to have to feel those feelings from him where ever he might be. Now that he is wandering, try to set him free. Tell him this is not his place, he's dead and needs to move on. Make sure you're firm when you tell him you don't want him there, near you, or on your land. If he accepts he is dead, he can find peace and be rid of his anger. Tell him he'll be welcomed by loved ones and relieved of his bitterness. You might feel silly walking around saying this but it might make him realize what is going on. I hope for both of you this will help. You and he both need to get free of this situation, it's not good for either of you. Good luck with things and please let us know if anything helps. Thanks for your reply.
nightmare0308 (2 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-01)
Bellissima, I understand but the now that the limb has been torn off he is like now free to roam I've now seen him walking, and the pictures you can see him behinde me
nightmare0308 (2 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-01)
Francois, thanks for the comment I know he messed up and I openly told him that but we all got to learn from our mistakes. But you see I never get hurt by the ghost just the poeple around me
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-01)
Hi nightmare0308, welcome to YGS! I really enjoyed your story, it's fascinating. I think you began seeing the Native American woman after the storm because her home and resting place (maybe not in the literal sense) was disturbed. I can't blame her for throwing the door stop at your friend, she needs a little respect too.It's nice you get good vibes from her. Maybe she needs you to tell her she can move on, that you will look after her land, her home.I'm sure that would give her comfort and peace of mind. As for the hanging man, I agree with Francois. It sounds residual. When you said you took some pictures and you got a man in a black robe, did you mean you actually captured his image on film? Or just saw him in the distance? If you have a picture, I'd like it if you could post it.I'd love to see it.I'm guessing you meant the limb that he had been hanging from was ripped from the tree?That's odd, I don't know what to say about that. Have you seen him since that time? Maybe the limb being gone put an end to his haunting. Let us know of anything further, okay? Thanks for sharing your story.
Francois (220 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-01)
Dear nightmare0308,

I guess you suffer from both a intelligent and residual haunting all by different ghosts. You're friend made the biggest mistake when dealing with ghost, calling names. Like regular human beings, ghosts have feelings and like humans, they can fight back, but the difference is the aggressor cannot fight back. You can't kill a dead guy basically.

I discourage you from doing ghost hunts if you are not physically and more importantly, spiritually equipped to face enigmatic forces. I wish to hear more of your adventurous experiences; they are very interesting I wish to read more.

Thank you for posting your experience and sharing it with the yourghoststories community. God bless you and take care.


Francois 😁
nightmare0308 (2 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-01)
Twilightkiss, I know this and thanks for sharing I am also native american, black foot, and I feel as though the chief is my guardian angel
SEPPS (11 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-01)
S.E.P.P.S was founded by Kevin Fitz-Maurice and Casey Morganelli. We started this organization to help people as well as investigate for our on interest in the paranormal field. The S.E.P.P.S philosphy is to disprove hauntings rather than prove them. We like to find logical reasons for claims, and any evidence we are left with afterwards we anaylize from a paranormal perspective. S.E.P.P.S is a non-profit organization, our only goal is to help people who need peace of mind in their own homes or businesses. Contact us if you would like us to investigate your business or residence! There is no charge for an investigation!
Twilightkiss (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-01)
That is spooky, being part native amarican myself, I have a deep belief in spirits and such, my advice would be to ethier try talking to one of the spirits, or stay away from the place you see them at most. Also, the guy hanging from the tree could just be a reoccuring event, kind of like an image replaying from the past.
Thanks for sharing!

-Twilightkiss ❤

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