My mom often told me stories when I was young about the haunts she had come across when she was younger. This one just happens to by my favorite.
When my mom was about twenty, she had two baby boys, my oldest brothers. She couldn't afford to live on her own at the time so she had decided to live with my aunt, her older sister.
One night, when she had finished putting my brothers to sleep, she decided to go drink some coffee and stay up for a while. It was getting late and the only one awake was my mom. While she was drinking her coffee, she could hear the sound of babies crying, not just one, but a lot of them. Obviously, thinking that it was coming from her own kids, she walked to the room to calm her babies down but it turned out that it wasn't her babies crying. She then thought maybe it was my aunt's two kids, who were maybe only four and five at the time, but they were asleep, too.
My mom began to wonder what was going on. She ran to the kitchen, which led to my aunt's room and this tiny laundry room in the porch, to see that the crying was coming from three babies lying in a pile of clothes in the laundry room. She yelled and quickly ran away, which is probably what any other person would do. The crying stopped. She woke my grandma and aunt to show and tell them what had just happened. They claimed they didn't hear anything.
She told me later, on that night, while she went to go wash her coffee cup and prep up for sleep, she walked to the kitchen and right outside of the kitchen window she could see a lady, covered in a white aura, walking across the sky.