I think this occurred shortly before I saw that "white blur" (a posting I submitted not long ago) also in the house in which I grew up; my parents still live there.
So I need to set this up first:
During the day, if you stand in font of the kitchen sink, you see the exterior of a bedroom on the right extending about 20 feet. On the left there is a smaller room which extends about 10 feet.
So that sort of forms a little alcove in front of the kitchen window. The space is wide enough for the washer & dryer to fit side by side.
One night I was at the kitchen table facing the window. I was making a sandwich so I was looking down. I then heard footsteps outside walking up to the window. Immediately I thought it was extremely odd that I only heard the footsteps only in the area of the alcove but not before that. Especially because the footsteps were of a hard heel; they were loud. I looked up and I saw something white go across the window.
OK it just dawned on me that this was also something white.
Well then they knocked on the window but I didn't see anything at all (like someone's hand/arm).
I thought it may have been my brother trying to spook me. I ran to his bedroom and he was sleeping like a log. He is not the kind to hold a straight face while playing a joke, which he rarely did anyway. And I just knew it was not him.
I went back to the kitchen dismissing it. But a minute later I realized that no one is able to walk up to the window because of the washer & dryer! They sat about a foot away from the window/wall, so who knows how they got across the machines to knock. I think I lost my appetite and left my sandwich there.
So that's that. I can't say for sure it was totally unexplainable. Maybe it was a neighbor trying to be playful? Who knows? But that's why I didn't consider this little event to be too "interesting."
The other stuff that happened on the house was glassware breaking for
No reason, which nobody ever witnessed. The 1 other thing, which no one saw either, was a clock falling from the wall. It had a very sturdy hook facing up; the clock had to be picked up and out of the hook to fall. We checked the hook and it was still facing up and sturdy as ever.