I was taking a nice, warm shower one night. I had the curtain pulled, so no one could see me. My friend walked in to use the restroom. We were talking for a while, when we heard a loud crash.
We have a basket of shells in the bathroom that my mom uses for decoration. All of a sudden, it fell in front of my friend. (It was originally behind her) "What was that?" I exclaimed. "This basket of shells. I was just sitting here and they just knocked in front of me. I do not see how that happened", my friend, Kaitlan, told me.
When she was finished, she got up and left the restroom. Of course, I was terrified now.
"Grandpa...was that you?" I asked wearily.
Kaitlan was still waiting outside the door while I was getting out and getting dressed. "Kaitlan, are you sure that you didn't knock it over on accident?" "No, I didn't. It was behind me, I do not know how I could have knocked it over in front of me". She had a good point. Unless if she literally took it and dropped it, which was highly unlikely.
We cleaned up the shells and kept thinking what it could have been. We came up with no explanations, unfortunately.
I began thinking. Could it have been my grandpa? My grandpa died where the toilet is now. He lived in our house before we did. The bathroom used to be the living room. We moved in after my granny died two weeks after I was born and redid the living room into three different rooms. (It was a big living room) His hospital bed was right where the toilet and shower was, so it COULD have been him. It has been about forty one years since he died.
So, was it my grandpa just playing tricks on me? Was it Kaitlan who knocked it over, but didn't want to get in trouble? Was my grandpa just trying to scare me because he thought it would have been funny? Or was it a different spirit? I do not have an answer, but I wish that I did.
Its good that he is still there with you