My story is of about a woman named Pearl who haunted one of our old houses. It wasn't until we moved a couple of months later that we learned the woman had died there. We were glad we had an explanation of the hauntings.
It started when I was ten or eleven. We moved to a house in Zena. A small area outside of Grove, Oklahoma. The house was deep in a forest. It was located on a hill and was painted an orangish red and there was an exact replica house next to it painted blue. Trailers circled around it at the bottom of the hill.
The first instance wasn't until a couple of weeks after we moved in. My sister had a little Carousel which was rusted and broken and didn't have batteries. One night it started spinning, and playing a song that wasn't even the song it was supposed to play.
Two nights later when I was trying to sleep on the couch, my dad walked into the kitchen to get a drink. He got a cup, and was fixing to turn the faucet on when he heard cups clinking together and knocking over. He opened the cabinet expecting to see a mouse, instead saw the cups neatly aligned and nothing moved. He checked all the cabinets and didn't see a mouse. The strange thing was even though I saw him go into the kitchen, I didn't hear anything. (The kitchen is basically part of the living room only a counter separates the two rooms)
The hauntings seemed to escalade. Nothing more happened until three nights later. When it was eight o'clock in the morning and I was just beginning to wake-up. I heard the sound of a motor but I didn't register what it was until later when my dad ran outside with my mom in tow yelling at my uncle Jim (who was also living with us) that someone was stealing the truck. I sprang up and sat on the couch while everybody else ran outside only to come back in five minutes later saying that the truck started by itself, no one hot wired it and the keys were in my parent's bedroom. It was then that my parents realized something was going on.
My personal experience was when I was in the bathroom and no one was in the house. I heard my mom call my name, but she had already gone to work, so I walked into the hall and I saw no one. I even called my mom's name and there was no answer so I walked back into the bathroom. Once again it calls my name and I ignored it. It called my name again I still ignored it. Finally I guess it got so mad it threw one of the bathtub knobs (they had broken off earlier and were sitting on the side of the tube) at the small window. I was shocked and just ran out.
I didn't tell my parents because even I still didn't believe it. Before we moved whatever it was almost locked me in the dark garage and called out my uncle's name and just plain freaked us out. After we moved my mom learned the previous renter had only one experience and not as severe as ours. Then the renter told her the owner's wife had died in the abandoned house next to ours... Her name was Pearl.
I don't live in that house anymore
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