I live in a very small town in New York. The house I live in is reportedly one of the first built in my town. At one time this house was a saloon and then a school house. I tell you this because it may be relevant to what is happening in my house.
It all started one night when I slept in the room that my two little boys sleep in. My youngest was just born and I was sleeping in there to let my husband sleep through the night. I woke up to feed my son and the closet door, the only closet in the whole house, opened by it self and the closed. I told the spirit, "Not tonight. I'm too tired." I got left alone for a while.
The next occurrence happened while I was in bed and I got the feeling that I was being watched. This continued for several nights and then one night I heard something in my boy's room. It turned out that the lock on their closet, yes I put a lock on the closet, was undone. My boys were too little to reach up there or climb up there. From that night on I kept getting an image of a man in a black top hat and a black over coat. He looked wet to me and angry. He would just watch me as I tried to go to sleep and only when I was alone. If my husband was in the bed with me then the spirit would leave me alone. I finally got fed up with this spirit and told him that he was not welcome in my home and to go to the light. I haven't felt him since.
My husband and I have both seen a woman in white and a little boy in our kitchen. She feels more like she is protecting us so I let her stay. She isn't scary at all, and yes I do feel her and the little boy too.
Another little boy spirit has recently taken up residence in our house. My husband and I were in our bed one night and I heard, "Mommy" whispered. I thought it was one of my children but they were all asleep. So I hurried back to bed and let my husband know. He got freaked out by this. We were about to fall asleep again when we heard, "Mommy" whispered yet again. So I said, "Time for bed. Good night." We had no further whispers that night.
About a week later I had another encounter with this spirit boy. I wasn't feeling well and went to bed before my husband. I was drifting off and I heard it again. "Mommy!" Then I heard, "Look at me." I didn't stick around after that. I ran downstairs and my husband took one look at me and knew something was wrong. I told him and he came to bed with me. My daughter has asked me why I come into her room so much. I only go in there once a night, right before I head to bed. My youngest will talk to somebody that isn't there. That is all that has happened so far...I'm not scared but it is all interesting to me. What do ya'll think?