So... I have told you all about my childhood home. When I was 16, we made quite a big move to London. (The opposite end of the country, so quite a huge change for all of us.) I hated the house almost instantly.
I put my feelings of uneasiness down to the fact that I have lived in the same house for 16 years, of course I'm going to feel uneasy at a new house! Nothing much seemed to happen there for a while, now and again you would get feelings of being watched, it was certainly a more unpleasant feeling than the previous house, but it seemed to pass as quickly as it had happened.
The area where the house was was quite closed off, you either had quite a walk down to the next road, or there was a shortcut via a small alleyway which led onto a wooded area and THEN the next main road. My sister and I both always rushed through the wooded area and alleyway, as again, you would get this 'watched' feeling.
After a couple of months of living there, I'd notice whenever I was walking alone through the wooded part at night a black cat would follow me. The first time it followed me, it rushed ahead of me, then waited, then rushed ahead again... I thought it had just wandered off, but when I turned onto my street and walked up our garden path, it was sat on our doorstep waiting. At the time, we had a dog, so I eventually had to shoo the cat away before I opened the door. A few minutes later, my Mum looked out of the window and said, 'Your little friend's still there'. The little black cat had been sat across the road watching the house at the time I thought it was rather sweet.
The cat following me between the wooded area and the house became quite a ritual almost every time I was returning to the house and I became pretty fond of him. My parents started to joke, saying maybe he's my familiar, as he literally seemed to appear from nowhere when I was around. If I ever saw him on the street, I would go outside and feed him little tit-bits and he became almost a second pet. Sometimes he'd come in to the back garden and he'd come and sit in the downstairs lounge that we had. (You could shut this room off, so the cat couldn't get any further into the house, and our dog wouldn't be able to get at the cat.)
Quite quickly, the cat changed though. He would come into the house, and instead of getting bored and leaving after half an hour or so as he usually did, he would sit at the inside door waiting to get to the rest of the house. He just sat staring at the door. He was quite a good natured cat, and seemed to like being picked up, so I tried to just pick him up to direct him out of the house, and he ripped up my arms. He then went to just lying at front of the door, staring again. I held out a little food to maybe try and tempt him out of the house and he started to growl, and attacked me again. The second time, I think my scream of shock, in turn shocked him, because he ran out anyway.
I was a little put off him following that, so it was a few days before I let him in again. Anyway, he came in again, and seemed to be behaving quite normally, and all of a sudden again, he did this intent staring at the door. Unfortunately this time, I hadn't shut the door properly as I thought, because a draft caused it to blow open, and he shot up the stairs. I swear it was as if he had been waiting to do that and as if he knew exactly where he was headed for. Fortunately, he couldn't get any further into the house, so had to be content with just staring at a door again. Again, it was impossible to budge him, and he made this little growling noise again. Thankfully, our dog gave him a shock when he came to the door and he shot out of the house.
I shut the doors and figured he would just jump over the fence as normal, but he stayed in the garden sort of stalking the doors, walking past them over and over and sometimes scratching at the glass if I went near it. He went after an hour or so, then that night, he was back again, making his presence known by somehow making a thud at the window. (I suppose maybe he jumped to try the handle, as some cats do?) I opened the curtains to see what this thud was, and it was the cat, and really, for a couple of seconds, it didn't even look like the cat, it's eyes appeared a lot bigger and pretty mean looking, and his general size seemed a little larger. I don't know, that could have been my imagination just down to shock at the cat being there. Eventually, he just started freaking me out to be honest, so I left the room.
Since that, if ever I saw him, he would jump out at me, follow me a little way, and then disappear to wherever. A neighbour did say that no one in the area knows who he belongs to, he's been there as long as she can remember and he seems to get fed by a couple of various people. Anyway, I don't know, this could be just a story detailing the normal nature of a cat, or something a little more eerie. I suppose it depends who reads it. However, his strange behaviour seems to coincide with sinister happenings in the house, which I will go into in my next story.