Although this experience happened many years ago I just have been thinking about it lately and wondering if what I saw was in fact a doppelganger. This happened to me when I was about eighteen I am now almost twenty four.
At my grandparents home my mom was holding their surprise 50th anniversary party. The whole family, friends were going to come soon. Since the party was being held underneath a huge tent my parents my two sisters my aunt and my two young cousins were all outside getting it ready they were all in the tent except for my one cousin Jonathon he was playing a video game in the back bed room. I did not know this at the time. I was inside decorating a table where the cake was. My grandparent's house had a long ramp that goes out to the yard where the tent was. I was walking down the ramp and I saw my cousin Jonathan he was about nine at the time I looked at him and said "what are you doing brat" he just looked at me and smiled this evil smile and then ran back down the ramp to the tent.
After I saw him I turned around because I forgot the gold glitter table scatter which I needed to bring to the tent. When I walked into the house my cousin came down the hall way with his game boy advanced in his hand getting a drink. I asked how did you get in here past me so fast, you just went into the tent. He told me I was stupid of course he is nine and he told me that he had not gone outside since he came to my grandparent's house because he needed to get to whatever level on his game.
After this I thought well maybe I was just seeing things but my cousin has huge brown eyes I know that this boy was him there was no other young boy there as my family has a lot of girls. I also know for a fact that I saw him go down the ramp the table I got the gold glitter off of was just inside the door. I am 100% sure that it was not my cousin. When it was happening I wondered why when I called this boy who I thought was my cousin he did not say anything. My cousin would have a smart or at least a swear word to say to me. The look on his face was just so weird and kind of evil. I mean I will never forget it.
I also think it is important that I include that the house this happened to me in is where my grandparents live was my great grandparents they used this home for there escape from city life. My great grandmother HATED this house she would never go with my great grandfather when he wanted to get out of the city.
One time he convinced her to go and she was brushing her hair in the mirror in the bedroom in the mirror she saw my grandmother wearing a yellow nightgown she looked behind her and saw it in real time not just in the reflection she blinked and she was gone. My great grandmother called my grandmother right away the scary thing is that my grandmother was in Maryland when this happened and my great grandparent's home was in Virginia there was no possible way she was there. My grandmother also said she never owned a yellow nightgown.
I just wonder if it is that house or just the individual people. I don't know my grandparents still live in that home which is built on land that has great civil war history. I mean we always knew the home was active with paranormal happenings. I just wonder if anybody could offer some advice or explaining it.