My name is Kristi and I'm 19 years old. I've never really had any true experiences except after my grandmother died and my aunt died.
The years 2000 and 2001 I had non-stop deaths occurring in my family six deaths in total. The first one that had me experience my first "supernatural" phenomenon was when my grandmother died in 2000. After she died I was so upset. I was in my room one day and I was looking outside, and I had blinds to cover up my window, but I saw a figure quickly move across. It wasn't frightening but more comforting. After that I heard a voice of a man and my grandmother say "It's going to be ok. I'm fine. I'm in a better place." I was smiling because I KNOW for a fact that my grandmother is in Heaven.
2001 was my second experience. My aunt, whom I was really close to, died in a bus crash. I was terribly upset and didn't eat for days and didn't want to go outside and be social with anyone. After that I heard the voice again. Calming and loving. I also know she's in Heaven.
2005-06 I was made fun of constantly at my school by this group of guys. I came home one day just like "whatever, they're going to grow up worse than me (which they did... What goes around comes around) " and I was sitting in my room when all the sudden I literally heard this voice loud and clear..."You're not worth it. No one loves you. You're life isn't worth anything you're already a stupid loser." Right then I picked up scissors and was about to do something I would NEVER do-commit suicide. I stared at the wall forever with the scissors in my hand. I finally burst out into tears threw the scissors at the wall and told the voice to go away and that he was stupid and should go back to hell where he belongs because I am worth it and I am loved. I never heard it since.
What do you think it is?
Is it God, stress, my grandma or my aunt or a demon?
I'm sort of confused because I think it could be all of the above for each story