A couple of years ago, when I was a youngster, I was in bed, reading a book, when I started to feel tired so I just turned off my light and put my book on my bedside table. I started to feel drowsy, not tired, but drowsy, when I thought I was about to go to sleep. I got up to go to the toilet, later, as I left the bathroom, I was in the lightless hallway, when my hand twitched, and it went numb. I went to my room and with my other hand I turned on my bedside light, and there was a Gaping Hole in the back of my hand! It was numb! I ran to my parent's bedroom, the hand violently twitching with what looked like someone had stabbed into my hand! (Not unlike stigmata, but in only one hand, and looked more horrific) when I got to the room, it was gone, I was shaking in terror.
The next couple of nights I was so distraught I couldn't nod off like I usually do. But 4-or-so years later, two of my friends were over; we were up watching a movie, when one of them went off to get a drink. About one minute later, the glass smashed, we went downstairs and he was shaking, holding his hand, and he swears, that there was a hole, in his hand.
What reminded me of this tale is that last night, 3 things happened. My sister came back late, and she told me that when she drove up to the house, she swears, she couldn't see any house, no cars, no trees, just land. And later, I was showering, then, when I got out, my hand went numb. But back again. Everything normal, until when I was in bed, reading, I started to tremble, my hand was numb, I tried to wake it up, all lights went off, and my hand felt, like it did, that evening, when my hand looked liked it was stabbed.