I need help with this as much as I want to share our stories. There are so many to share so I will try to put it all together the best I can. My husband and I built our house 7 years ago on land that my husband grew up on (farm land - no known war, no tragic past, boring farm land). Nothing special or tragic about the land, a brand new house BUT full of antiques... I always assumed my youngest son could see "stuff" but knew that he would eventually lose the ability as did my older son. Well, it is only getting worse as he gets older.
He is seven years old and he sees numerous ghosts in our house. He sees ghosts in colors, most of the children are blue see through. Some are gray, some are black with no faces, most scare him horribly. A very few are "just like us". He sees them everywhere he goes, in the yard, at the grocery store, today he saw a young boy ghost at the hockey rink (I need help with the color aspect of this, has anyone saw this or heard of this?).
There is one particular ghost in our house that remains in the upstairs bedrooms that scares him so much he cries. This is a tall, bald older man and "is not nice". This one almost mocks him or messes with him at bedtime. We just had to move his bedroom because he refused to sleep in his old room. Many nights he would cry because the ghosts would "get in his face" while he would try to go to sleep, he would try to hide under the covers but some of them would get under there with him.
He sleeps many nights in our bed, but the other night, while lying in our bed, he said "Dad do you see that man at your door?" My husband said "no" so my son looked at me and said "There's a guy at your door..." The look on his face was of sheer terror. He says they come in my room also, but that he feels more safe in there with me and his dad.
There were times when I thought he was going on about it too much, to get our attention until one day he came home from a friend's house and said his friend didn't believe in ghosts. I thought "oh no, he is telling everyone" so I told him a lot of people don't believe and that's ok, we all have our own opinions, some people are too scared to admit it also. He looked at me and said "Mom, it was just a cat..." So apparently he sees animals too.
He sees a little girl that will play a hide and seek type game with him around his bedroom door. In his old room he said there were three guys that would come threw his wall he said "they look like vampires. There aren't vampires but they are trying to scare me like vampires..." He said that a lot of times they don't want him to see them. He thinks the little girls are laughing at him. When he can't see anyone he can hear them. He has told me that he will not sleep in his old room anymore, "there are too many people in there..."
One day he went to his old bedroom to play his guitar, he came running down the stairs crying saying that someone spit on him in his room. He said he couldn't see this one, but that his arm was wet and he was scared too death. He said sometimes he can't se them, but he can feel them. That was the last time he went into that room, besides when we moved his stuff out.
His new room has a different "air" about it. It feels different; better. We thought for the first time we would get some sleep. WRONG. He agreed that he loved his new room, he thought it felt better, he loved it. I was refilling his bookshelves with his books, he was sitting on the floor next to me, starring out the doorway into the hallway. He said, "There is a ghost in the hall looking at us..." I said "girl or boy?" he replied "boy" I said, "young or old?" he said "Young - teenager, what is that thing that Harley wears around his neck?" Harley is my sisters dog. I said "a bandana?" He said "Yeah, this kid has one around his neck, it's red. He looks like a cowboy..." He continued to talk about it and eventually cowboy went away.
So that night, it was bedtime, the new bedroom looked great and felt wonderfully cozy. We all did our goodnights, hugs and kisses and he was left to his room snuggled in with all the stuffed animals. I was in bed for about 10 minutes when my son came in, tears streaming down his cheeks, crying he said "I am not sleeping in that room..." I sat up and said "WHY?" He said, "My bed is shaking. It is SHAKING, it is getting faster and faster..." Of course, I jumped out of bed, ran in there and tried to figure out what was going on. I gave him the explanation of maybe I didn't get the legs to his bed on tight enough so it was shaking when he moved. He accepted that and went to sleep.
I was very eager to hear his stories at breakfast time the next morning, he said he slept great, he only had two ghosts in his room. One was the old bald guy that mocks him and messes with him, my son has a spider man web that hangs from the ceiling, this particular "guy" gets in the net and puts his face through the holes and stares at me son. The other ghost was behind his book shelf. Now in this room, it used to be a spare room that actually has a hole in the drywall behind the BOOKSHELF. The ghost behind the bookshelf was new to him...
We have a history of ghost stories for many years from our old house to our new house. No real experiences with us seeing them, but things have disappeared, I myself have "felt" them, lights going on and off, creaks in the floor when no one was there. My oldest son actually had imaginary friends at our old house and could tell me about the owner of our previous house that had died in a motorcycle accident. My son was three at the time and we didn't know the owner. We later learned from some neighbors that my son's stories were accurate down to the owners name. My oldest son does not believe now. We have always learned to live with it, but with my youngest son, it is tormenting him, these ghosts are ruining his little childhood and I need help on how to help him. My son told me today, "Mom, I think they are trying to tell me stuff but I don't know what..." I agree...
It reminds me of the movie The Sixth Sense, without the gore. But all the fright.
He changed his clothes after his shower today in our downstairs bathroom, he showered upstairs but refused to get clothes on up there because the bald guy was in the bathroom with him, he knew the bald guy wouldn't come downstairs, so he got dressed downstairs. He said while he was brushing his teeth, the bald guy was standing in the bathtub watching him. My son got really scared and then my nephew (who died in 2000) appeared in the room in the see through blue color and then the guy was gone. I am curious to know if anyone knows what see through blue means?
My husband is going to contact a local radio station that helps with these kinds of things, I will keep everyone updated if we find anything out. But information about the colors would be great, if anyone has any. I have read and know from my own experience that black is not good, but what is gray and blue? In the beginning he saw gold, but does not anymore... Please help... Thank you.