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Lily And Memaw


I lost my mom June 13 2009, and it struck me very hard. Back in 2005 my mom was diagnosed with Lupus, and with that came painful flair ups all over her body. The flair ups started with her face and went from there eventually leading to septic shock, and a fatal seizure. Now when we found out that I was pregnant with Lily mom was ecstatic. After Lily was borne mom bonded really closely with her and it seemed that the new baby was helping her feel better. She was getting out of bed and doing more stuff. Then we had to move into our own house, and mom was hurt but we came on the weekends a lot.

About a month after her passing, as my dad was giving me more and more of her stuff odd things started happening. The first things given to me were some of her baking pans. Mom loved to bake and cook, and as I was putting them away I cried. The things that came after are beyond me.

About a week or so after I got these pans I was laying in bed around 11 pm when I heard a sound like the pans were being moved around, so I got up to see what was going on and nothing every body was a sleep. After that nothing happened for awhile then one day in September while I was still pregnant with my little man Lily came and grabbed my finger and took me to the dinette, and pointed to the corner of the bar and said Memaw. This has happened quite a few times but it only seems to be Lily.

Next every so often I will hear shuffling in my kitchen. When I finally started getting pictures of mom I put them in an album usually Lily likes to watch and see the bigger kids when they were little.

The first time we were going through the album Lily saw a picture of ma and took me to the spot in the bar and said memaw. This is what freaked me out the most was on Christmas Eve at 1. I was wrapping presents in my bedroom with the door shut when suddenly my door opened, and when I looked up thinking I had just been busted by my kids, no one there. Then I thought it must be Tim coming home so I walked through the house to no avail. Tim came home from work an hour later, and when he did walk into our room I about jumped out of my skin. I must have looked like I did, and when I told him what had happened he laughed. Thank you for reading this.

Love always,


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, haleybug, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sylviessweeties (135 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-11)
I think that its adorable Lily loves Memaw. And that her Memaw is staying around in the afterlife
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-10)
thank you guys very much I do wish she'd show her self to me like she does lily.
honey91 (15 stories) (80 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-09)
awwww... This story is so cute! I love when family visits me 😊 it's so comforting...
Sevenwaters (2 stories) (16 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-08)
I think its nice that your mum is still around and I'm sure despite it being abit scarey it is a real comfort. I too lost my mum and had a couple of things happen, although I believe mostly it was my grandmother, but I take comfort from my belief that death is not the end and that they do go on. I hope my mum is watching over me, as your mum is watching over you. You should talk to her, I talk to my mum, I'm probably talking when she's not around but I dunno, I just talk. Sometimes I'll feel like she's around, and I'll whisper don't worry mum I'm ok. Next time definitely say hello.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-01-07)
It's so nice that she visited you at Christmas!...That's the time of year when losses are felt most deeply... She was sneaking to see what you got the kids!...I do that sometimes with my grandkids 😆...Just know that she still wants to be included in your daily life... When things happen, just say Hi Mom! 😁
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-07)
Sorry for your loss Haleybug, I loss my mother august 13 2009 I know how you feel. No doubt your mother is with you and she wants you to know that, Talk to her that will make her feel better and I know she'll be watching over you and your family for a very long time.
God bless you and your family, take care.


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