I've only seen this baby girl twice, but it was so real!
The first time, I was lying in bed. I looked at the floor and saw a little girl from the ages of 3-5 sitting on my carpet. I thought I was dreaming and rolled over.
The next time I saw her was a few months later. I was walking up the stairs and looked through the sliding glass door leading to our T.V room. A little girl was sitting on the floor wearing a polka dot dress with a ribbon in her hair. At first, I thought it was my little brother, as it was playing with his toy truck. However, I heard his voice coming from my parents room, I thought about it for a second, wondering where his voice was coming from then I quickly turned around and saw the toy truck just on the floor. I was so shocked.
Another sighting was by my twin brother, who said he saw a toddler in a similar dress but playing with a piece of plastic. It was very disturbing for the both of us.
Our house is a rather old one, with a shed outside with children's toys. I think the child might have died in our sauna, because I have a strange feeling when I am near it. Sometimes, before the sightings, I have even heard a baby crying from inside the sauna but I thought it was nothing until I saw the ghost.