This took place about a week and a half ago. It was late, around 11:30pm and I was working on some homework at my computer, which is in my living room. From there, I can look to the left and see all the way down the hall past my son's room and into my room. I had everything turned off- no TV, no radio as this helps me concentrate on what I'm doing.
In my son's room, he has a tract closet (the doors are on rollers at the top-not on the bottom) and it is only half. The bottom half is drawers, two on each side of the closet doors. This information is important to the story, so please bear with me. So as I was reading, I all of a sudden started hearing this loud banging coming from his room. One of my cats was on my lap, another on the couch next to me, so I thought maybe it was the third trying to squeeze his ample frame through the opening at the bottom of the closet door. But it didn't sound like that- this was really LOUD. So I peeked down the hall and I could see him lying in the middle of the hallway, looking toward my son's room. Meanwhile, this noise is still going on- BANG BANG BANG- it was more like the drawers under the closet were opening and closing over and over again. The whole thing lasted for about two, maybe three minutes.
Needless to say, I was kind of leery about going down the hall to check it out. I had to one by one turn on the lights as I went along toward the door, and when I got there, I even turned on his light too. He was totally out, snoring softly and there was nothing in his room, but one of the drawers was open just about half an inch.
I have no idea what it was, but on a side note, my son just a few weeks ago told me that sometimes he can't fall asleep because he sees people in his room, standing by his bed. He says sometimes they open his closet doors and sometimes they make his blankets go up and stay up. He said that once in a while he sees his grandpa (who died just before my son's 1st birthday) but a lot of the time, he sees "others"-he didn't elaborate much, only to say that they look mean, like "robbers would look", and I didn't want to press the subject and scare him.
I have any other stories, as this type of activity has happened to me my whole life, and will eventually post them if there's interest.
Thank you for reading.
Comments are appreciated.