my name is rob, I have had many paranormal things happen to me as a child I'm now 30 and nothing go's on anymore but back when I was around 9 things started. I must add my mum was very into spiritual stuff, mediums and things.
The first things to start were little things like tapping on doors and tables, by the time I was 11 I had became a little scared of these things but thought maybe the ghost were there looking after me because I was having a bad time with my mum she wasn't coping with us kids to well not her fault. She had postnatal depression and there was 5 kids to look after.
When I would make tea for my dad I would go to get the milk from the fridge opposite work top and the spoon would tap three times. Then other times I would take tea to dad go straight back in kitchen and all four cooker hobs would be on full, everyone was in living room. Strangely when mum left the ghosts started doing more things like switching on lights turning on taps etc.
One morning as I was getting ready for school I walked into kitchen and all dishes in sink moved and a tin opener flew of the side. I shut the door and said if anyone is here please knock after me. I knocked on table and it knocked three times on table very clearly, I was a little freaked. I was now a bit scared to go bathroom late if everyone else was asleep.
One night my dad was up decorating the hallway I went to bed and woke up a bit later needing to use bathroom I could hear my dad very loudly in the hall walking up and down stairs as I could see hall way lights from under door and music all noise was very clear so I opened bedroom door as soon as I did everything was quite and dark. I turned on all lights checked dads room he was fast asleep. Since then I heard my name called many times most times it sounded like my mums voice she is still alive so that's a bit strange. I would also have someone pulling on shoulder at night etc. Everything has now pretty much stopped since I was about 17