I have always felt sensitive to the other side (if that's what you call it), but never have I experienced what I have been going through lately. It started about 6 months ago; we had just finished remodeling the house we live in now from literally a very destructed state and made a great investment and also helped out a friend who was under foreclosure. To get to the point, the first experience was as if I woke up and felt like something had sex with me. It wasn't my husband because he very rarely sleeps in bed with me (he prefers his recliner I guess).
The next time I started to think about that experience and something (it felt like it was shocking me) pulled me by the shoulders as if it was trying to pull me up towards it. I rolled over and thought AM I CRAZY! Well the next time it was a similar experience but this time it felt like something was lying behind me touching me sexually and breathing heavily. It was very scary and I turned over but nothing was there.
I have continually had more situations like these and they are random. I told my husband about it and he believes me and one night ordered it to leave me alone, but I still feel its presence. I try not to think about it because it seems to come to me when I think about it. I have been praying and trying not to let it come to mind. I keep track of what is happening to me when it does and it is ONLY when I am in my bed. I have not been physically hurt by this but do feel incredibly scared that it will never go away. I don't want to feel violated anymore like I can't control it. When it gets a hold on me I can't seem to move, it's like putting your finger in a light socket, literally!
One night I opened my eyes when I felt it just a little and I could see sparks of light coming off me. I don't know what to do or what this could be. Every time someone takes pictures of me I have orbs of light all around me but this is the first time I have ever experienced anything like this.
If you and your husband are in love, and want this to end, then you should be showing a united front. Sleep together. Embrace each other often, and say "I love you". It doesn't matter if the two of you sleep in the bed, or in the recliner, or on the floor. He should hold you, or at least have his arm around you. Focus on each other this way, and your problem should solve itself.
~Best of Luck~