I am an Army infantry man who just got home from afghan after a year tour. Early one morning I heard a loud sound in a corner and I had a large fan on so it woke me up fast and I got my hand gun and got up and yelled at what ever made that noise to get out. I got back in bed and went to sleep a few hours later I was on my left side and felt the mattress move up and push me up on my back then I couldn't move and felt electricity in my body and I couldn't breathe. I fought it and moved after about 30 seconds then got up looked around and called my girlfriend and then my sister who came over.
When my sister came over I wanted to get some more sleep so I took her two dogs to my room and went to sleep and one of the dogs got off the bed and got sick and the other one barked a few times but we all fell asleep. An hour passed and a loud noise hit and I jumped up and thought I saw an afghan female next to me and my sister heard the noise from downstairs and came up and said I was white as a ghost.
While in afghan I had so much stress and never talked to God, and was angry lots so I hope I didn't let evil in my life or carry something back from combat since I was a gunner in a combat area.