I am a 27 years old female, and here is my -tiny- story for which I am desperately trying to find a rational explanation to.
I live in a very small town 300 km up north from Montreal, in Canada. I grew up in a suburb of Montreal from age 7 to 15 and came back to my hometown to finish high school where I met my -now-husband. Fast forwarding to a couple of weeks ago: I find out I am pregnant on June 14th. A truly happy time for us and our respective families. I am jubilating.
I've always been extremely interested in the paranormal, have had several little stories happen to me, most of them usual, uninteresting and irrelevant to what is happening to me now. I have watched every single ghost hunting show ever made, from the very popular ones to the more underground ones. I am fully aware that the feeling of "being watched" may be caused by devices which emit electromagnetic fields, such as TVs, radios, and even light bulbs.
What has been happening to me since I learned I was pregnant, is that I have a constant feeling of being followed and being watched. It's a very odd feeling I have never really experienced seriously. It happens mostly in the hallway of my house, where all the rooms connect. In this hallway, no device could emit an e.m. Field. There is a light bulb, but we checked it with an EMF detector last week and not much is coming out of that.
The spookiest thing that I have been wanting to explain is the behavior my washing machine.
It's relatively new, about 3 years old. It goes on and off, constantly. During the day, and at night also. It's as if someone was repeatedly pushing and pulling the button and the water starts to pour in the tank, and then stops. I cannot explain this. My husband inspected it to see if the button might be loose and cause an electrical contact when there is vibration from the boulevard, or the train passing, but the button seems perfectly fine and we cannot explain this. All of this happening after I learn I am pregnant. Nothing paranormal in this house has ever happened before.
Any thoughts? It's starting to scare me.
Thanks for reading. I'm sorry if this was boring, without shadowy figures and strange knocks and bangs :)