In my room, I had an old wild goat's head that hung above my bed where I slept. I had always been a nature lover, but I always loved hunting also, so I decided to hang it there. It had never given me any trouble, until one odd week in the spring. One night, I had a strange dream, I was in my room, and what I believe was a dog or ferret like creature, was living in the goats head. It came out to play with me and it felt harmless, so in my dream I had fun with the creature. The next day, I thought nothing of the dream, as we all know dreams can be strange.
Later on that week, in the bathroom of my house, I saw a shadow of a tall man; I guess it was about six to seven feet tall. The room light was turned on, so the room was well lit. The shadow disappeared about four or five seconds after I saw it. It frightened me terribly, but I have seen "shadow men" a few times before, and decided to pray that night for the shadow to leave the property, and not to see it again. About a few hours after I prayed (I was in bed), a small feather landed on my chest. The goats head was directly above me, and I thought it was my pet mynah bird cleaning his feathers, as he usually sleeps on the head above me. So I smiled and looked up, expecting to see my bird grooming, but instead, I see the goat's head shaking, as if someone was holding it and shaking it. I was frozen, I had no idea what to think of it, the shaking was obviously strong enough for my bird's feather to fall off of the head, so it was not my imagination, and I am usually a no-nonsense person anyway, and try to find out how something happened before jumping to conclusions. I placed my hand slowly on the wall where the head was hanging. I felt vibrations, so I was positive that I didn't imagine the head shaking. It stopped shaking about twenty to thirty seconds after I noticed it. And just so you know, I was not tired that night, and it was early in the night for me. I was too scared to get up, but I called my dog to me and he came, I eventually just fell asleep.
The next morning, I decided to tell my father about what I had seen (the shadow man, and the head shaking). He was shocked, and told me that he had a few strange experiences within the past few days. The first one was quite creepy. He was lying down watching television on the sofa, when all of a sudden he felt pressure on the sofa, as if something had jumped up on it. He thought it was one of our cats, so he didn't think anything of it, he realized it was not one of our cats, because he felt an "evil presence". All of a sudden, he said he couldn't move, but it could not have been sleep paralysis, because he was not sleeping, but fully awake, plus, he felt the "thing" jump on the sofa before he couldn't move. After a few seconds (I believe he said eight or so), he could move again, and immediately grabbed his Bible and read from it, and commanded whatever it was to leave. The second experience he had was less creepy. One night that week, he was sitting on the bed when he felt as if something had "gone inside his body", he said he felt tingling all over, but he said it felt happy, and not evil. But it still really frightened him.
A day passed, and we all felt something was in the house, like a bad energy/spirit. I also saw a few other shadow men that week, all of them freaked me out. Then one day, I finally figured why this all was happening! I found the connection with the dream and the old goat head. And I thought either the goat head was being used as a gate to let spirits into our house, or something found it a nice home! I believe my first answer was correct, because there were different spirits we believe, a good one and a few negative ones. So, me and my father immediately took down the old goat head, and placed it into a box and took it to our outdoor storage unit. We also smudged the house with sage, and prayed to God for "The un-earthly Visitors" to leave our home. My father had also told me, after we got rid of the goat head, that he recently felt negative energy from it, he even said he was afraid to look into the glass eyes, but only in that month. Everything returned to normal when the goats head was taken down, occasionally, we feel bad energy "passing through", but nothing as creepy as that one week.
I hope you all enjoyed my story, and please tell me your opinions, do you think the head was suddenly being used as a "gate way", or do you think that a travelling spirit/energy just found it a nice place to live? And do you think that the dream had anything to do with the experiences?
Thanks for reading!