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matrix899 (1 stories) (67 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-28)

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the writer's account, and I do not know the writer personally, but I found your comment about "an over-active mind... And make it seem like a Steven king story" particularly infantile.

This seems to be a site where people can post their paranormal experiences.

By its nature, paranormal experiences are experiences we hesitate to knowingly share with the public, because the chances of being believed are slim; and the chances of being ridiculed are high.

I myself had an experience that I have shared with only four people, because I do not expect to be believed. The four people are people close to me who know I would not lie or embellish.

I would imagine that when people publish their experiences here they expect the story to be met with some skepticism. But to suggest that someone cannot tell the difference between a few frogs, and a "Biblical plague of frogs" extending for three miles is reason to pause and wonder "what is going here"?

matrix899 (1 stories) (67 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-28)

Well...we live in a real world with real people. Not a make belief world where John Wayne takes control of the situation and does the right thing 100% of the time.

I think you are failing to take into account the fear factor. Get your girlfriend out of the car at 2:30 am... In most cases that is not going to happen. In most cases she will insist that you leave and get help.

We have heard of countless cases where people are being robbed or killed on a busy street and no one intervenes. Why? Fear and uncertainty... Not knowing what to do at the time.

I am certain that you yourself have seen people with broken-down cars on the road. They are stopped with the hood up... But no one stops to help and get involved. Why? The reasons are many, but this is not a surprising behavior.
mrmonty (8 stories) (48 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-28)
I can imagine this being very frightening but I think you have to consider a few thing. It was late at night and it was poor weather-this and since your adrenaline level was probably crashing (I use to play for a short while, I remember the rush from being on stage) left your mind very tired. A car on the side of the road and maybe a few frogs on the side of the road (I remember driving down some rural streets and you'd see the suckers all over the place) and your mind can play all sorts of tricks on you.
And the fact there where no accidents reported could be because it was locals?
It must have been frightening, but I think is was just an overactive mind-You make it seem like a Stephen King Story (Rainy Season)
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-28)

At the very least, being afraid, I would stop at the gas station, not to "hop out and shake our heads", but to call for help. This would be THE big thing on my mind, not frogs.

And, you don't need to go wandering in the woods leaving your girlfriend alone. You can both walk near the edge of the woods and investigate if there is any sign of a person that may be in need. Better yet, how about instead of rolling down the window and yelling over, you get out of your car and see if there is someone in the vehicle that needs assistance?

Don't think any 'being quick to label as BS' has occurred here. None of this is reasonable behavior for a real situation unless we're talking an extreme case of selfishness and self-absorption.
matrix899 (1 stories) (67 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-28)

I would not be so quick to label this BS. I think we should consider the fear factor here.

It is human to feel fear.

You are driving on a dark road at 2:30am with your girlfriend in the car when you come upon an SUV on its side with no one present. You stop and call out but no one responds.

What would you do?

Leave your girlfriend in the car and go searching the bushes for survivors at 2:30am on a dark road? This is how we would all prefer to respond in a situation like this, but you cannot discount the fear factor and uncertainty in those conditions.

I think the writer's conduct is understandable under the circumstances.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-27)
SUV on its side. Lights on. You and your girlfriend decide to go on your way and 'flag' down a sheriff. Did you? Did you call someone (you mentioned you were both highly educated Christians?)? Was it possible someone crawled out and in a stupor walked away from the vehicle and was lying on the ground somewhere waiting or hoping for help?

I'm sorry to be so blunt but this stinks to me. Somehow, I don't see self-described highly educated Christian people not making an effort to help people that may be in a troublesome situation. You see a bunch of frogs and all other concerns vanish.

Would you just wait to read about it in the news, or would you get to that gas station and call for help or at the least to report what you saw?

Nope. I don't usually do this, but I'm calling BS on this.
MK1 (2 stories) (28 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-27)
Thanks, [at] Biblio... I appreciate the kind welcome!

Crazy what your family ran across... Must have been a tad bewildering to see that many lizards in migration. Thanks for sharing that story!

Frogs? Baffling, for certain. I'd entertain any reasonable explanation, as I feel I have exhausted all leads on my end.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-27)
Greetings, MK1, and welcome to YGS.

While I have not got the slightest clue how these physical phenomena were caused, my family did run across (Ugh! Sorry, bad pun) a similar migration in our camper when I was young. However, this was a migration of 6"-10" lizards on a road in what was then southern Yugoslavia; perhaps they were Balkan green lizards, but I'm pretty sure there were also yellow, red, orange, and brown ones. There were thousands of them, but the migration path was only 1/2 of a mile wide at the most. There had been some serious volcanic activity in Turkey, apparently, so they'd begun their autumn migration early. A three-mile wide swath of frogs, though, is outright bizarre. Normally, that sort of behavior is linked with invertebrates, like army ants or locusts, not amphibians.
MK1 (2 stories) (28 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-27)
[at] matrix899,
Thanks for the kind comments and opinion. You raise a valid point.

Seeing the overturned SUVs with no visible reason for them to be like that was baffling to say the least. The first one was strange enough, since the vehicle clearly had a driver at some point, but seeing the second one left abandoned in the same manner was just insane. 2 new-looking vehicles just sitting there.

And the idea of an alternate dimension is something that could very well have happened. It was quite surreal and frightening to see the SUVs, and then the frogs?!?! I wondered aloud if we were seeing the Apocalypse.

I still often use that same stretch of highway in my travels, and the road still seems strange and just plain spooky at night. What I would give to have had a camera that evening...
matrix899 (1 stories) (67 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-27)

Thank you for sharing this very strange experience that obviously cannot be explained in terms of normal human experience.

Over the past few decades we have heard much theorizing about different dimensions and overlapping dimensions. This experience made me remember some of the theories regarding the possible existence of alternate realities.

Of course none of this has been proved, but experiences like this makes one wonder. I found the detail of the overturned SUVs particularly strange. I guess if there was such a thing as an alternate reality our perception in such a reality would be impossible to imagine.

Thanks again for sharing.
MK1 (2 stories) (28 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-26)
Hey, [at] tweed,
Thanks for the kind comments. Allow me to address your points:

1) I have no explanation for the SUV sitting on its side, or the other one which was upside down. I've worked in film and television on and off for 30 years, and I'd know a film set if I saw it, guaranteed.

Even an indie-film-budget shoot would not have been out in weather of that severity. No way. I understand the need to "get the shot," but in no way would anyone have been literally out in that weather.

Furthermore, I would have already known about a location shoot since I remain close to all of the usual suspects in the area, and this would have been a Hollywood budget to pull off the "scattered vehicles" look.

2) These frogs were not replicas, nor were they dead. These were actual living creatures, and there must have been a million of them or more. Read closely, this blanket of frogs went on for at least three miles!

They were EVERYWHERE... Hopping around at random, in the road, on the shoulder, in the ditches next to the road, the fields and land off each side of the road. There was a small living, hopping frog roughly every 3-5 inches apart.

Even a Hollywood budget would not have allowed for an allotment of millions of frogs...I'm quite sure a director would opt for adding digital replicas of the real thing in post-production.

3) I had rolled my window down and actually leaned outside my vehicle to confirm what I was seeing. The rain had largely stopped at the point where I saw the frogs. Absolutely no way the frogs were not real... When we stopped we actually heard them jumping against the car. They were real.

4) "Magnolia" is a film I am not familiar with, nor do I know of a town by that name. I have heard many urban legends, but I have never heard one (around here) about a plague of frogs. Everyone to whom I have told this story has been baffled...

Anyway...thanks for pondering aloud, Tweed! 😁
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-26)
Hi there MK, far out how utterly bizarre.

Ummm SUV's placed neatly on their side cries 'film crew' to me.

Has anyone here got Magnolia on DVD? I'm wondering if you stumbled upon where they filmed the frog bit. Or some kind of pre production deserted road 'test run' (This happened to you in '96) for how to pull off the later date 'in production' scene. (Film completed in '99)
For anyone who has Magnolia handy, are there any red and green tipped SUV's in the frog bit?

You sure these frogs were live and not multiple good replicas? Thousands of active live frogs would surely make a heck of noise. Perhaps the wet conditions and rain gave them the impression of movement. I realise some live frogs or toads were used in the movie but these would be reserved for close ups and there wouldn't be thousands hopping about.

In my interweb searches for answers I learned that Magnolia is a place in Alabama. Far be it for me to recommend bloody Hollywood for answers but Paul Thomas Anderson is a far cry from Micheal friggen Bay, so maybe Anderson based some of his fiction on some real event he'd heard of in Alabama. The same event you drove through here. The film has a bunch of real life weird crap events at the beginning, so who knows. 😕

Or it's an act of GOD (dah dah daaaah!)
Whatever the hap it's downright weird, thanks for sharing! 😊

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