We wish you a scary Halloween!

Your Ghost Stories: What is it about?

Your Ghost Stories Your Ghost Stories is a place where you can find all kinds of resources regarding real ghosts and true hauntings cases, but more importantly, it is a site for publishing, sharing and reading real ghosts experiences from real people like you. It has come to our attention that many people have had this kind of unexplained experiences, and it makes for wonderful readings, maybe at times disturbing, but most often, leaving you wondering what is happening on the other side of material life and our physical senses.

Send us your ghost story!

YourGhostStories.com is your source for real ghost experiences, haunted places, the study of the paranormal and parapsychology. We are interested in true stories from readers like you, if you have experienced any kind of activities related to ghosts, spirits, hauntings and haunted houses, especially if you are a psychic, medium or ghost hunter yourself, please submit it! If you want to comment on the stories, please sign up, it's free!

This site is not for kids! Considering the maturity expected for this site, we do not recommend it to anyone under 13. To keep a certain level of maturity and civility on this site, moderators may delete comments that are deemed too juvenile, inappropriate or troublesome, to their discretion..

Articles on Ghosts

Informative articles and editorials on the subject of ghosts. What are they? How can we communicate with them? What are angels and demons?

Famous Hauntings

Many real ghost experiences and haunted houses have been so intense in a particular moment and place that they have become popular tales explored time and again by books, TV shows and even movies.


Your Ghost Stories

True ghost stories are not always spectacular but they certainly are troubling when it happens to YOU. Here you can read and share those that have touched your life in a disturbing way.

Real Ghost Pictures and Videos

We try to find real ghost pictures and videos that haven't been discarded by specialists as obvious fakes, so maybe a few of those are a real glimpses at the other dimension!

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