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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter M: Page 14
My Grandmother's Story by phantomz
I would like to begin by saying that I haven't had as many experiences as a lot of people have had on this site. However the experiences I did have I think are quite strange but in no way terrifying or evil. Also, the story I am about to tell isn't really my story it happened to my mother, grandm...
My Grandmother's Village by royalbitchnesss
This story take place when I went to my grandmother's house Kota Tinggi, Semenchu at Malaysia. It was a December Holiday, so my family and I make a plan to go to my grandmother place since we never been there foe quite long. My siblings and I were excited to go to the Kampung (Village). So we goi...
My Grandmother's Visit by Kamcho
I was born in a communist country in Europe. When I was six years old, my mother divorced and we moved out from my father's place to live with her mother. As a little child, I never really liked my grandmother much and could never seem to relate to her, unlike my father's mother, who was always very...
My Grandpa by wanderer
My Grandpa was an amazing man and we were always very close. He always did everything humanly possible to make life good, first for my mother and uncles, than for me and my brother. When I was little he would always take me on long walks that would always seem to end with a trip to a park or ice cre...
My Grandpa At The Funeral Home by hollybvb10612
I'm 16 years old. First experience was when my grandpa died in 2006. I was about 9 when I had to go to his funeral. All my life I was afraid of my grandpa because of his deep voice. He would come over and I would hide. I was his first girl grandchild blood related from my dad. I felt really bad ...
My Grandpa Is Still Awesome by WisconsinLady
This is my first story, YGS community! My first 2 stories will focus on unexplainable events related to the sudden and unexpected passing of my grandpa, Grandpa L, in September 1988. I'll split these experiences into 2 stories. The first story here will be about paranormal events that occurred s...
My Grandpa Knew by Chinka
Grandpa: "when am I going back home?" Mom: "July 15" Grandpa: "No, find an earlier flight, that's too late" Mom:"How do you know?" Grandpa: "Albert told me". This conversation is the first time we noticed that my grandpa was able to see and communicate with his deceased brother. My grandpa was diagn...
My Grandpa Sees Spirits by jessy
I have a couple short stories. My Grandfather tends to see spirits a lot. Him and my nana (nana is italian for Grandmother) live an a house that was built in the 60's. They are the only people to ever live in that house. It had just been built shortly before they moved in. Apparently, there is a guy...
My Grandpa Teddy And His Cardinals by spiritwaiting
I'm not sure where to begin with this. My grandfather Teddy passed away years ago. He was the strongest male figure in my life and gave much inspiration for my strength in me. While I was a young girl my summers were spent at his home in Sunrise Beach, Missouri. My fondest memories were create...
My Grandpa, My Best Friend by Brownie09
I was close to my grandpa, every where he went, I went. The one person he could never stand was my dad. My grandpa got Malaryia from being over seas in the war, and also lung cancer from working in the mine. Over the years, it finally progressed where he had to be put into the hospital. The last...
My Grandpa... Returned One Last Time by k_surupa22
My name is Surupa. This happened to me around the year 2003 and had just moved into our new apartment; since my grandfather had passed away before we entered our new apartment in NCR area of Delhi, hence we could not perform a pooja and had to make do with a small pooja which I performed on behalf o...
My Grandpa's Bar by rottenyouth
Both of my grandpa's died before I was born (I'm 21 at the moment) so I never knew them. I've only seen pictures. We've had an old bar (if you call it something else in other countries - you keep alcohol behind it, and hang glasses from it, etc) in the family for a while now. My mother tells me it b...
My Grandpa's Ghost by excecil3
I will never forget the day my grandpa died. It was tragic, for everyone that knew him. It was six years later after the incident that I began to notice strange things. I was about ten; however everything remains in my mind clearly. I would be scared to go to bed at night, because there would be...
My Grandpa's Last Days by LosAngelesGirl
Just a note, this story isn't about ghosts, but more of supernatural thing I would say. I don't really have a name for it, since I do not belong to a religion. I kind of consider this as a goodbye, sort of. Before November of 2014 I did not know how it felt to lose someone in your life that meant...
My Grandparent's House by shellybelly
It's been four years since I've had any supernatural experiences that have scared me; I guess it's just part of getting used to the fact you're not always truly alone. However, growing up in my grandparent's house I had plenty I'm sure to never forget! I lived there with my mom and younger bother, a...
My Grandparent's House by guy48
Ever since my dad was a child unexplained things have happened at my grandparent's house. Unexplained footsteps, talking, music, are just a few of many paranormal activity that has gone on there. Since there are too many stories I will share only a few for now. Once my aunt was sleeping in what ...
My Grandparent's House 2 by guy48
Just to let everyone know we know the history of the property. Before the house was built it was a landfill. We think that someone might have thrown a body into the landfill but we don't know for sure. We are trying to bring in a psychic to explain why the house is haunted. Anyways I might as well g...
My Grandparent's House 3 by guy48
Since I've only posted stories that happened in the seventies and eighties I figured I should share more recent experiences. One of the stories also marks my first experience. About seventeen years ago my mom was babysitting my older cousin who was just a baby at the time. My uncle was downstai...
My Grandparent's House And Its Ghosts? by SDB1987
I have another story here about my childhood. This one is actually happening now. In September last year (2018), I moved into the house of my grandparents, since they moved into a nursing home. From the first day, I started hearing noises, especially from the attic. Also my cats could be in the h...
My Grandparent's House In Europe by P0B0X99
I've gone to visit relatives in Hungary every year during my summer vacation, and have never experienced anything paranormal. I was a Christian until I reached 13, but since then, I hardly ever go to church. Here is my story of the house here in Budapest, Hungary... Every year when I arrive to ...
My Grandparent's Old House by Chica22
Every other weekend I go over to my grandparent's house when I go with my dad. I've never liked my grandparents' house especially upstairs and the basement. The first thing I saw was a little girl in a white dress standing by the stairs. She was just standing there looking at me. I closed my eyes an...
My Grandparents by sanchezcsn
The year is 1985 and I was about 4. I lived with my mom in St. Paul, Minn in an apartment complex. My mom was in an abusive marriage at the time. One night I had trouble sleeping and went to ask mom if she could read to me so I could sleep. I walked down the hall toward the living room and saw he...
My Grandparents Came Back by cirice
A bit of background. In 2004, my grandma died. In early 2007, I moved 8 hours away, we used to live in the same town and I'd visit every day before we moved. I was extremely close to my grandma and grandpa. Around Easter of 2013, my grandpa had a fifth stroke and was taken into long-term care. In Se...
My Grandparents Farmhouse by kpshort73
Growing up being taught there were no such thing as ghosts, pop-pop's house proved us all wrong. I was 17 when we moved in to pop-pop's house. He had died about 3 years prior. I loved him and missed him dearly. I cried for years over him. It made it harder to deal with his death looking at all his...
My Grandparents Final Visit, After Their Own Funeral by niallacaldwell
This account was partially extruded from an entry written in my mother's diary in 1973 when my mother was 14 years of age. It was her sixth entry to do with the paranormal in her expansive collection of macabre recollections. Some of this is also taken from the less well preserved depths of my own m...
My Grandparents Haunted House by matt10
This is the first story of my experiences that I have submitted to this site and I am keen for other people's opinion on it. I am 19 years old and have experienced quite a few weird events in my short life to which I cannot explain, I do not make myself out to be a someone open to such things in fa...
My Grandparents Old House by nemo
This is my first story so sorry if I ramble. My grandfather died when I was 6, I barely remember him to be honest, he died of a heart attack, and it was sudden and unexpected. He was a healthy old man, farmer through and through. He died in the house I currently live in. After he died, strange th...
My Grandparents Or My Imagination? by brooklynbaby97
This happened when I was about 8 or 9 years old, I was sleeping on the couch in my living room. It was about 9 or 10 o'clock and I was having trouble sleeping, so I turned on my television and watched TV for about an hour. As my favorite show was about to end, two figures appeared in front of the TV...
My Grandparents' Basement by tempestmoong
This experience happened when I was about 8. My whole family was at my grandparents' house it was Thanksgiving. Normaly I slept on a pull out in the back room with my mother, but with the whole family there my mother and I ended up sleeping in the bedroom in the basement. My grandparents have 13...
My Grandparents' House by peterc
In the past couple of years my Granddad has passed on and most recently my Grandma has had to move in to care due to ill health. This has caused the family to begin to clear out the family home in order to rent it to fund her care and being there again reminded me of an occurrence back in my earl...
My Grandparents' House is Haunted by vickifigueroa
Once my mom and her then boyfriend split, we went to move in with my grandparents, in Redlands, California. I lived there a few years before and had noticed weird things going on in the house. Of course nobody believed me. So I basically just kept it to myself. There would be times when I would ...
My Grandson, Timothy by Wondering1
Several months ago, I submitted a story about events that occurred while my husband and I were remodeling our house. (Did we wake up Ghosts?) This story is related to that but concerns my grandson, Timothy. At the time he was about two or three years old. (He's 7 now, and doesn't remember anything a...
My Grandsons' Gettysburg Experience by kimbo1055
In April I decided to take my two grandsons to Gettysburg for spring break. I thought it would be educational for them and I have always felt drawn there and have visited there several times. I decided to take them on a tour through the Farnsworth house. This has been said to be one of the most haun...
My Granfather's Ghost by doorperson
This was long, long ago and am lucky to remember... I had a grandfather, my dad's dad. He died way before I was born. But I remember one night, I was about 3, 4 years old. I was sleeping in my new house. I woke up with a manly figure on the end of my bed, staring and smiling at me. Of course I w...
My Granfather's Spooky Experience by siddharth
This one is my grandfather's story, rather his spooky experience when he was of my age. It happened to him in the year 1948 (he can never forget that time). In those days, there were forests all around. People were superstitious. But my grandfather was not. One day he was visiting his friend and the...
My Granny by Linda
When I was 15yrs old my granny passed away at my uncle's house. About two weeks before she passed away, I was getting ready for school in my bedroom, looking in the mirror. Over my shoulder I saw my grandfather who had passed away eight months before. I never thought anything of it because I have se...
My Granny's Experiences by why_not
In this post I will be writing some experiences my Granny had when she was about 14 years old. She used to live in a very big house that then turned into a restaurant (that's relevant). Lets begin. First Experience: It was around 11 to 12 pm, G (I'll call her that) was in bed ready to go to s...
My Granparents by LH
My experience is very short, but very real. I should say that I was very close to my dad's parents. I spent a lot of time with them growing up. They lived close by, and I'd spend after school time at their house. My grandad and I were close, I loved spending time with him. After high school, ...
My Great Aunt Came Back by anihilator123
This isn't long but here goes. Basically I was sitting in my room reading a book and I just happened to look up to take a break when I saw something white go past my door. I ran to the door and called out, everybody was downstairs. Now I have no idea what it was but my mom said she had seen my au...
My Great Grandfather Making A Visit by jwarren
I have read and enjoyed many of the experiences on this site, and I was very excited to find such an open forum. I have always believed in ghosts, angels, demons, and the people who have come in to contact with them. I have felt for a long time that I would eventually experience something parano...
My Great Grandfather, the Joker by ellycat
I live with my mum, brother, sister, nan and pop in a two story house, before it was my great grandfather's house, he died, we believe that it's him haunting the house because he was a joker. Heaps of thing happen here, lights on and off, doors shut them selves, we hear things and see things out ...
My Great Grandma by kaylamarie22
When I was about 8 years old my great-grandma had several heart attacks and became very ill. The last one was the worst and she was unable to recover from it. I know she wasn't there mentally anymore, but I have some questions about what happened the day she died. A couple of days before she die...
My Great Grandma Ausenbaugh by Vegan93
Being raised by my grandparents since childhood, we would normally visit my grandpa's mother and step father every other weekend as they were getting old and they wanted my brother and I to keep in touch in case they pass away. Keep in mind my brother and I were their favorites even though we are ...
My Great Grandma's House by kat1985
My Great-Grandma lived in a little house in the small town of Curryville, Missouri. I think my Great-Grandpa and her moved into the house in the late 70's early 80's. My Great-Grandpa passed away in early 1986. My Great-Grandma had the sixth sense ever since she was a small child. When I was little ...
My Great Grandmother by Andy Meadors
I was a young kid when I came into contact with my great grandmother. My parents moved into my grandparents home when my grandparents retired to the coast of Texas. Before they moved my grandmother sat my sister and I down and explained how our great grandmother had died in the house and still lived...
My Great Grandmother's Ghost by EveryHour
I have lived in a very active house my whole life. My family, friends and I hear voices and experience poltergeist activity every single day. But one thing that we have only experienced a few times is actually seeing an actual apparition. This is one of those experiences. I was about ten years old...
My Great Grandmother's Old House by jrthompson
Almost eight years ago, me and my Family, got my great-grandmother's house from her will. The weird things didn't start happening until about four years ago. I was laying in my bed at about 2:03 am, I was previously asleep but I woke up to use the bathroom, and when I came back, I lied on my bed......
My Great Grandmother's Old House 2 by jrthompson
Not too long ago, I posted my first story on this site about the weird thing that have happened since we started to live in my great-grandmother's house after we got in through her will. But at that time the haunting seemed to have stopped. But over the last few weeks, things have been happening tha...
My Great Grandpa's Spirit Visted Me While He Was Still Alive by ashleylesley
I was at a family get together in Boise Idaho at my great grandma's house. I say my great grandma's house because my great grandparents have been divorced since before I was born. This all took place in her living room. I was 3 years old at the time. My grandparents, mom, aunt's uncles and cousins w...
My Great Grandparents House by Darcie
When I was about 9 I lived in my great grandparents house with my parents (my great grandparents were already deceased). I remember I was always afraid to sleep in my room, I was just always feeling watched. One night, I remember waking up having to go to the bathroom and I saw this big redish thing...
My Great Grandparents' Old House by CelinaCyanide
My name is Celina and I am 16 years old, I live in Alma Nebraska (for anyone who wants to visit one of the old houses). I have a few experiences that I would like to share with you guys in hopes that you could possibly help me. Nothing very bad has happened to me here, but if there were any good ent...
My Great Granny And Grandad by anne4884
My great grandad was known as a strange man. He used to tell his children about scary things that happened to him in the past but they didn't believe him. One night him and his wife woke up to the sound of moaning and groaning. They went into the sitting room to see what it was, then he said, "Oh...
My Great Great Aunt Ruth by alofty91
My Great Great Aunt Ruth was my most favorite person in the entire world. I absolutely adored her and she adored me back. I was her sweetheart and she was mine. She was already in her 80's when I was born in 1991. I spent a lot of my childhood playing with her at her house, she was so sweet and at t...
My Great Uncle's Ghost by CJEbs22
Back on 1984, my great uncle passed away in my home. Ever since I was little I always maintained that there was a presence the house (it belonged to my grandmother at the time) and very few people believed me (unless they had an expierence of their own). When both of my children were babies they...
My Great-aunt's Visits by Bagpuss33
In 1997, my great-aunt got very ill. I was 17 at the time. She lived a mere 300 hundred meters away through my local housing estate with my gran and grandad. I went over to visit when she first got poorly, but found I couldn't go and see her when she was near the end which, to this day, I hold d...
My Great-grandma by andidee
My great-grandmother was born in 1920. She was always happy and cheery and she was also a GREAT cook. My family has italian origins, which means she was italian. She loved cooking italian stuff like canolis and delicious pizza. Unfortunately, she died when she was 94, four months ago. I'm really...
My Great-grandmother Watching Over Us? by thelonelyghost123
I have been reading the stories on this site for some time now and I finally decided to share my own experiences. No one in my family believes what I have seen except for my brother who is the only one apart from me who's seen/heard them too. The house itself was built somewhere around the early ...
My Great-grandmother's House by girl
So, this story is creepy, and horrific to me, since I've lived it. This is my personal experience with a demon in the house of my 95 year old great-grandmother. I will first give a little background knowledge about myself and my family. I am a Christian, I believe in God and believe that my spir...
My Great-grandmother's Secret And The Ruby Necklace by virulentpeach
My maternal great-grandmother was by all accounts a kind, but very unique, woman. She had an aversion to the sun, believed in Old World superstitions, and washed my infant grandmother's hair with lemon juice to keep bad spirits away and, of course, to preserve its infant blondness. She was fiercely ...
My Great-grandparents' Recollections by Aimeisafox
My family is a big, loud and festive family of Italian descent. When I was around ten and my great-grandparents were alive, we used to gather everyone at holidays and birthdays. Then my Great-grandfather would start telling stories of his youth, when they lived in the country. Those stories always g...
My Guardian by Charlies friend
Hi, I am from England and my grandfather is my guardian. He often does what granddad's do. You know, drives you mental but at the end of the day you love them. My experience starts, in fact, with my sister. She was casually speaking to herself, aged 3. When my mother heard her, she asked who my sist...
My Guardian by bLaCk_TiArA16
Ever since I was seven I have had a ghost or spirit watching over me. I can't prove it with pictures, I can't prove it with videos or voice clippings, and nobody else seems to see him but me. He has always been there watching me. When I was living with my mom he would walk between my dresser and...
My Guardian Angel by KatieChan
This happened to me when I was only 7 years old, but I still remember it like it was just yesterday. It was probably the last day of school because it was hot outside and the playground was crowded by kids. I was playing on my school's playground when I saw the slide covered with kids! I wanted to g...
My Guardian Angel by PaigesMomma
All of the following occurrences happened in my old house in Arkansas where I lived with my parents Bob and Sarah and my older brother Joseph / Joey. My parents have since moved out, Joey was sadly killed in a car accident five years ago and I now live in Texas. The first time I ever had an 'enc...
My Guardian Angel Is my Old Cat by Lucy Vella
When I was about nine, we had to get our cat Jess put down. He had this disease where he was losing all his white bloods cells which by the way help to fight sickness and heal wounds. He got it because he was bitten by another cat. We were all really sad and after we buried him, I wished I could see...
My Guardian Angel Story by triden07
I'm not using real names for any persons passed on or alive, and the stories I send now all centre around Tim, my friend's husband, and everything he told us happened this past weekend, so my stories all basically start the same way. This past weekend, 6 to 7 October 2012, my friend Elaine, her h...
My Guardian Angel? by kai046
Greetings YGS members. I have been reading a lot of stories on this site and inspired me to share my own experiences. But first, let me tell you a little about myself. I am a 29 year old Filipino American working in a publishing company here in the Philippines. The story that I am about to share isn...
My Guardian Angel's Whisper by princess123
This happened to me one night when I was lying in bed with all my lights off just watching TV. I was all rapped up in my blanket nice and warm and I was drifting off to sleep, though I was not tired for it was only about 8:30 and I was startled when I heard a strange voice whisper in my left ear, "C...
My Guardian Angels by vanlewie232711
I am Vanlewie232711 and I am going to tell you about my guardian angels. I first heard them when I was 17. I have always felt followed, yet never in danger. The very first time I heard one speak I was walking to work as I had just got this job at Burger King in Charleston, SC. I was on the side ...
My Guardian Cat by Samuel_Laeon
Many years ago, when I was born, we bought this cat and named it "Rasmus." His fur is elegant, orange like but more yellow glow. I grew up with this cat, and I've always felt a unique bond with that cat, above anyone else, even more unique bond that I had with my family, and I do love them. It w...
My Guardian Ghost by Prosperina
My story began in the early hours of a chilly (but not too cold), January morning. I was having some difficulty getting to sleep. This is not unusual for me, as I often have bouts of insomnia during stressful times in my life. I was at that time going through what my doctors call moderate depression...
My Guardian Ghost 2 by Prosperina
On one summers night a couple of months ago, I was feeling particularly emotionally exhausted. I was feeling extremely down and depressed. I didn't know what to do or where to turn. I decided to go for a walk, hoping the fresh air would clear my mind. It helped a little. There are two parks near...
My Guardian Watching Over Me by amylou2215
This is a story that is very dear to my heart. If you didn't believe in guardian angels or spirits before, you will now. The story is a tad long, but it's worth the wait. About 6 years ago, my middle son (who was only 6 months old at the time) were in a really bad car accident. I was driving a co...
My Guardian, I Think by tabi_20
When I was younger around three or four I used to climb up on everything in the house. Like dressers, counter tops, anything there was when no one was around or watching me. One day I was playing around in the bathroom and climbed up on the counter top where the sink was so I could look at mysel...
My Guardian? by Blueberry
When I was little, my mom and I used to always go on walks with each other. Almost every night we would go out and walk around the streets and talk and be silly. One night after our walk, my mom asked me to get her phone from her room. I was hesitant, being young and terrified of the dark, but agree...
My Guy by felioness
When my great nephew was 2 years old he had an invisible friend he called "my guy". It all started when my niece bought a house in an older area of our city. It was a big two storey house that had been renovated into a lovely modern style with half of the upper floor transformed into a loft and ...
My Half Brother Mike by quixoticqt
I was 5 months pregnant and I hated every month of it. On May 25th (I remember it being a Wednesday) I felt unusually uncomfortable. I was woken up around 2 something in the morning like someone was looking at me. I turned around and saw nothing there. Being kind of irked I was thinking, "OMG, I hav...
My Hall Ghost by KayWinds
I'm pretty sure that there's a ghost in my hallway. Now, before I talk about the ghost, it's important to know the layout of my house: my parents sleep upstairs and I sleep downstairs. There is a short hallway downstairs, with my room, a bathroom, and a second room I use as my study/music room. My b...
My Happiness Was Shattered When I Found Out My House Was Haunted by ghostgal2008
When I was little I thought of my house was the best until I realized that there were things that were un-explainable going on. I've always been interested in ghosts and paranormal activity but, I never thought that it would happen to me! The first thing that happened was when I was 10 years old. ...
My Hat Man by Darkangel73
I would like to start off by saying I had a rough childhood growing up. I don't know if this experience has any relevance to it, but I know this I was never the same. I was 15 when I had this experience, the year 1988. It was around 9 or 10 p.m. I was getting ready to turn in for the night, for I...
My Haunted Apartment by Rebecca
Here are random little ghostly events that have occurred in my current apartment. The first ghost experience I ever encountered there was awaking one night to find a full size horse standing by my bed! (Quite a sight in my tiny apartment!) I screamed "What is that?" and then noticed there was a...
My Haunted Apartment by Roxje92
We lived in an apartment for one and a half years, and I am absolutely positive that place was haunted! We moved into it after it had been empty for five years, and no one could really tell us why it had been empty for that long. It was a beautiful place with a big fireplace in the middle of the...
My Haunted Apartment Used To Be a Funeral Home by danawood9
Years ago, we lived in an old building that at one time was a funeral home. It was not uncommon to hear strange noises and things at all times of the day. The first summer we were there, my daughter was just a baby. I had just laid her down for a nap and laid down on the couch for a quick nap, after...
My Haunted Bedroom by Sabrina12993
This all began when I was about the age of 6. I am now 14 and this still occurs. My bedroom is haunted or at least I would hope it is with the things that happen in it. When I'm in my bed at night and just about to doze off, my bed shakes violently, scaring me half to death. I wake up and it's still...
My Haunted Central Florida Home by RTC
This will seem long-winded or possibly a bit stream of consciousness, but as I began to write about my experiences (which I've not shared in their entirety before) I just felt it necessary to leave what came pouring out. Honestly, some of my experiences could possibly be explained away as childhoo...
My Haunted Chair by AngelinaM
This story starts about 7 years ago. We just moved into a new house, that needed so much work. When one of the walls were taken down there was the most unusual and beautifully carved chair back, at first I thought it was a frame to a mirror. As the weeks passed, we came across a boarded up stora...
My Haunted Childhood by Lucy1
This is my first story that I've written here. It's about the house I used to live in as an only child with my parents from the age of 2 - 13. During this time, I had a number of weird and wonderful experiences, a lot of which I still talk about today. My parents and I moved into a converted sta...
My Haunted Childhood And Mamma's Experience by ashar123
In all of my previous stories I have mentioned about all the experiences from my teenage but actually I had many experiences in my childhood that I never took seriously and ignored or my parents just explained me it was my imagination. My mother tells me before I was born my parents lived in a go...
My Haunted Childhood Home by bluntforcetrauma
I'm 28 years old, a male, from Manila. I stumbled upon this site looking for scary stories to help me sleep at night and after reading through most of the stories from the Philippines, I guess it is fair I now share my own. My family used to own a house in B.F. Resort, Las Pinas in Manila. While ...
My Haunted Childhood Home by Agnostic
First, I must apologize if my English isn't correct, it is not my first language. But I need to tell this to somebody. I grew up in a haunted house. Maybe it was my home town, that was haunted. It was just a little village. I have only experienced something similar two times elsewhere as far as I...
My Haunted Childhood Home - Part 1 by Udon555
I never considered my parent's house to be haunted until I was much older. Even though I encountered strange events, I didn't know what a ghost was and could not explain it as a child. My first encounter with the paranormal that I can recall was when I was around 6 or 7. At the time I liked slee...
My Haunted Church-house by Mashiro-Kun
I just joined this website and I am willing to share my real experience with the paranormal. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia and already moved from house to house several times now. I will share the experience of what happened in three houses which are somewhat similar. The first house that I am goin...
My Haunted Flat by tuttseysboy07
I had split up from my wife in the back end of 2001 and moved out of my home town of Liverpool and through a family friend found a one bed roomed flat below his in part street Southport. It was a nice flat in a quiet area just outside town centre and handy for pubs and clubs that I loved going too. ...
My Haunted Flat-first Encounter by Niya22
I am Niya22 and Today I wish to share my first encounter with all of you. I still live in the house where this story has taken place, this story takes place the first 18 years of my life. From the moment my mother and I moved into this flat, the hallway always gave off an eerie feeling. When I...
My Haunted Hallway by tommo
Although I come from a family who overall tend to be of a spiritual nature I have not really experienced much myself. I say much because of late I have certainly begun to experience the spiritual world first hand. My Great Grandmother was a spiritualist, my grandmother a firm believer and my moth...
My Haunted Holiday by chunkygut1
A few weeks ago me and my mum decided that we should go to my uncle's house for a week, because we didn't have the money to go abroad. My uncle lives with his wife, Samantha, five month old daughter Paige and very well trained dog Piper. In the living room they have a window seat at the foot of ...
My Haunted Home by Daisy_Pink13
My house is probably haunted. I have a LOT of stories for it! It's only around 50-55 years old, but we have some old furniture in my room (which is what we presume haunted) that belonged to my great-grandma. Only a few months ago, my friend slept over and, around 1:30am, I had fallen asleep. She cou...
My Haunted Homes by BlessedWildAppleGirl
Over the years I have lived in two houses and a flat which I believe to have been haunted. I have written about the first house on this site previously. Now I'd like to tell you about the subsequent experiences I have had in two different homes. The first of which was when I lived in a Victorian ...
My Haunted Hospital Experience by GhostGal10001
Early 2015, I was working in a small rural hospital. The hospital had a wing for regular patients and a wing for prisoners, who would be brought in from the prison that was located in the town. The hospital prison wing would only be opened and used if there were 5 or more prisoners admitted. Thi...
My Haunted House by ChrisB
Hi everybody it's me again. I live in a house in Poland that was built by my father and my grandfather. It is a big house and has a lot of windows and doors and a lot of antiques. I believe in the paranormal and for about two years I have been learning more about the paranormal (a lot from you guys ...
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