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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter X: Page 1
Xai-xai Beach Cabin by triden07
This past December I once again visited with my parents in Mozambique. Differences this time were my aunt was not invited and I had undergone a big operation at the end of November and was not allowed to drive so my parents came to pick myself and my kids up. Due to the fact that I had a lot of pain...
Xavier And Denise by amzrox123
So, my parents collect antiques. Ever since I was little, I have been EXTREMELY sensative to paranormal energies. Ever since my brother moved out a few years ago my parents have been bringing in more antiques than ever. I always realized there were spirits attached but there was one piece in partic...
Xenoglossy (tongue Speaking) Experienced Life? by aedelberth
My name is Ema, I was born and raised in Europe, Romania most of my life, however since 8 years ago I moved to USA, I took the liberty to specify the country that I actually live in right now, I am new here, this is my first post. I've been reading the stories on this website from a while now and I'...
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