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Ghost Stories in Category: Pets / Animals: Page 5

My Cat's Ghost by jessy

I was sleeping in my bed one night, and all of a sudden, I woke up and could not move. My 2 year old cat died about 6 months ago, she had a heart attack on the living room floor. While I was sleeping, I woke up and I felt like she was crawling on my bed, just like she used to do when she was alive. ...

Mavi Kasirgo - Spirit of the Black Cat by Da Mewster

Mavi Kasirgo means Blue Tornadoe in the Turkish language. Mavi was one of my beloved cats, a beautiful black Turkish Ann. But his life was coming to an end: On December 23 2003, he got terribly sick; He got paralyzed, and could only switch his tail around, and therefore couldn't eat. We took him to ...