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Ghost Stories in Category: Apparitions / Voices / Touches: Page 65

A Little Boy by faye

In February 2006, I was in a park near downtown Nashville Tennesse and I saw a little boy about 4-5 years old. He was wearing bloody pajamas and looked like he had been crying. He vanished behind a mound of dirt. I saw him from a distance of about 10 feet, it was broad daylight (11 a.m.) and he l...

Ghost by the Highway by Nix

I was once driving back home from a long trip. I was driving from Texas going back to Georgia. It was about 2:30 AM EST and I finally made it back to the state of Georgia. As I first entered Highway 96 in Georgia doing about 55 miles per hour I noticed a glare on the left side of the road about half...

A Friday Night Sitting by gswife

First some background... I am from Washington state and lived on the coast till I married, my grandparents lived in a very small town called New London it can be found outside of Hoquiam on Highway 101 heading north. My grandmother was a medium and had sitting's each Friday night in my grandparents ...

Man Walking Through Car by Sherry Johnson

I have had several supernatural things happen to me over the years. My great grand mother was a gifted psychic and I guess that I inherited a little bit of an ability to see things that others can't. This will be the first of several true stories that I hope to submit. Back around 1980, I was on m...

The Burning Man by Tim Stanbury

About 9 years ago me and a mate used to go to this caravan site a couple of miles up the coast from were I used to live. During the summer we used to drink in the sites pub called the Mermaid, booze on the beach and chat up the holiday maker's daughters etc. One year, a couple of months after the ...

A Bad Experience at Bachelors Grove by Aiden

Back on October 15, 2004, my girlfriend thought it would be a good idea to take me to Bachelors Grove Cemetery, a week before my birthday, as one of my presents. I am really into the supernatural, so I was really excited about it. I even went and bought a digital voice recorder, and got out my dig...

Weird Night by Deborah

My friend Janine and I worked in an old Hall in Lowestoft, Suffolk in the early nineties. I was living about a mile from the Hall, we finished work at about 11:00pm and were going back to mine for a drink. There we were, me wheeling my cycle and her holding a plate with a slice of lemon meringue pie...

Driving Down the Road by Lindsay

One day I was driving down the road late at night around 11:00pm and my car just shut off, I couldn't see anything because my headlights were off and my flashlight was missing. So I was on a dirt road and decided to see if there was help nearby. I heard foot steps and I turned around but no one was ...

Mommy by AnneV

There was a period in 1995 where a little girl lived in my house. I was laying in bed one morning relaxing before getting up and I heard a small girl's voice next to me say, "Mommy." It was so sweet sounding though that I wasn't afraid. About a month later, my husband of the time was fishing around ...

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