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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 50
Watching Me In The Hallway by carliahhhxx
In 2005 my mum and I moved into a house in Victoria. I was 7 years old at this time. I will give you a little detail of the house. Our hallway is in an L shape, at the end of the short part there is the front door, then running along the left is the lounge/living room and kitchen. The lounge room an...
Ghost Girl Talking To Me by dante0
The story I am going to tell you was TRUE and happened about two years ago. I was in my house watching a movie and decided to get a drink of water because I started to get really thirsty. I took the drink and sat back down on the couch when a cold draft hit me and water vapour was coming out of my m...
Was That A Ghost? by Ashwin
This is my first story. So please read this and do comment on this. This incident happened to my friend's father. He used to work in army. One day he was resting in his camp when suddenly a jawan (soldier) came and told him that the enemy was planning an attack; in fact they were just short of the...
Haunted Funeral Home by sher2164
It started when my boyfriend's father bought the funeral home and wanted my boyfriend and me to move out of state to take care of it, because his parents didn't want to move out of state. So, I quit my job and moved out of state with my boyfriend to help his parents take care of the funeral home. W...
Do Ghosts Know When You Will Die? by jennywinchester
Before I start you must know something: I have been able to see ghosts ever since I was little. They really scared me but now I just sort of ignore it. Now for my story. When I was 11, my gran was taken into hospital due to her second stroke; we all knew she wouldn't make it, so we were all making ...
Unsure, Room Shakes by Anna_K
Until about 4 years after my family and I had moved into our current house, it had always been pretty much normal and peaceful. One day out of the blue, I was in the living room watching TV and the whole room started to shake, it was a light shaking, but enough to make pictures on top of tables and ...
Ghosts At My Aunt's House by princess2
My friend and I went to visit my aunt. She lives alone in and old 1800's house. As we sat in the sitting room visiting with her, she started talking about strange noises. She said there had been some apparitions also. We really didn't know what to think of this conversation we were having with her...
The Boy In My Closet by KitKatKittyKat
My story is in a way strange, for I do not fear anything that has happened. I believe that there is a ghost of a twelve or ten year old boy in my room or technically in my closet and basement. What was weird was that I began to notice this 11 years since I've moved into this house with my Mom. M...
Mightnight Marching by ThreeFootDong
My grandfather was once a tail-gunner in World War II, and finding it to his liking, subsequently spent his entire working career in the Air Force. He was a man proud of his station - Warrant Officer - and the posts he'd held. He often said he had no interest in becoming an officer; he enjoyed the c...
The Hat Man by twilightzone94
So my name is Morgan and I'm 14 years old and have had a lot of stuff happen in the last year. It started when I was just about to start 8th grade. I started seeing a lot of weird shadows like bounce around my kitchen along with hearing my name being whispered a lot. It would be either in a teasing ...
Slammed Door by jackeline
Here in Houston my aunt used to work in some apartments where a guy had committed suicide. The workers at the office had gone to check on him after they got a call from a relative, worried that they hadn't heard from him for days. Sadly, when they got to his apartment they found him dead in his bedr...
A Late Night Visitor? by darsuki89
I am a newcomer to this site, but I have been reading here for quite awhile. I finally was able to get enough courage to share my experiences. Before I begin my first experience, here's some background of me. I have lived in California practically all my life. Never left the U.S., and even more amaz...
Living Room Moments by 4d
My family is very close. When I was young we would spend much time together talking, eating, playing games, singing and dancing, and planning in our living room. I have several stories to share that have occurred right there in my old living room. When my family first moved into this house it was...
602 by Mandz23
I'm twenty three years old I have never really been scared in my life until recently... I moved into an old apartment building that was built around 1920 until last year I didn't live alone and hadn't really seen anything. I would say that it started out just odd things happening here and there... I...
Boyfriends Doppleganger Or What? by seekintruth
My name is Debbie, and I live with my boyfriend Bill. We have been together for a little over a year now. Since April this year I started doing EVP Recordings which my boyfriend supports, and finds interesting plus we take photos with many orbs. Here is my story. We were fishing after 12 midnigh...
When The Time Has Come by ysbrydnos
My grandfather died on 7 January 2000 when I was 19, my uncle died on 6 January 1979, before I was born. I guess the story really starts there. My grandmother is a deeply superstitious woman, you know, "no new shoes on the table", "saluting magpies", "no walking under ladders", etc... But the fol...
Sizzling Chicken & Ghosts From The Late 1800's by jadeflower999
I grew up in rural southern Minnesota in the 1980's. My family was working class and we lived in a house built in the 1850's. I had many unusual experiences in that house growing up and this is one of those. When I was about 10 on at least two occasions, I was woken up in the middle of the night...
Just An Imaginary Friend? by yellowbelle
First, to tell you all honestly, until now, I still have doubts if I really have the ability to see the unseen. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just imagining things... After seeing what I am not supposed to see, I would end up having doubts if I had actually seen it. The thing is no matter how many exper...
Haunting Near Old Well by mangadanga
This incident is not scary. But it throws open some questions for those who are doing research in this field and are keen to actually witness the hauntings. This took place in Maharashtra, India in a town of medium size. There is a very old well near the campus of Agriculture College. It is at l...
Black Figure In The House by LouandBoog
This one is not really mine to tell, it happened to my oldest brother Jussy. But seeing as he has to work and is barely ever home I will relay the story here. It was very late at night when this occurred, everyone else was in bed. Jussy though was still awake; he didn't have a job when this occu...
They Don't Want Us To Meet The Same Fate by wolfpaw999
Practically everyone that loves paranormal and ghost stories has heard of the haunted railroad tracks near San Antonio, Texas. My family and I went to go visit our grandparents. We figured we would try to fit as much exciting things into our visit there. We thought we should go to the haunted railro...
Is My Apartment Haunted? by sher2164
My boyfriend and I moved back to MN after my boyfriend's father sold the funeral home. We've been living in our apartment for almost a year now. A couple of months ago it was late at night and I was sleeping. My boyfriend works 2nd shift, so when he gets home it's like 2 am or so. He gets into bed...
An Evil Voice Mimicking My Daughter by mom2004
I am used to seeing ghosts, (at night and during the day) and I am used to dreaming lucid dreams that come true. But I have never experienced an evil being until a few years ago. I have a vacation home in Florida. Two years ago my 3 year old was on a hot chocolate kick. Every night before bed she w...
Living Hell Come True by Gator
Not sure where to start except that I live in hell every day before I get too hell. It all started with a Ghost box that I made from a person that goes by UfoGeek. At first I was skeptical about it working. It is a radio that you mod to where you can talk with the dead. It was the biggest mistak...
Don't Ask Why This Happens To You, Just Accept It by newave
I lived a very hard life. A life no one should live. My mother was part Native American and African American. She would tell me stories of visions she would have of events and people. Some nights I would find her crying. Eventually my mother's mind state changed and she turned to drugs to cope. ...
The Haunting In New York by NanaBanana
I was five years old when my family moved into an apartment in one of the outer boroughs of New York City. Growing up in Queens was neither very exciting nor very boring but our new home terrified me completely. For almost nine years, we lived in that small apartment on the first floor of a four-...
Young Girl With The Black Hair by mandilee
A few months ago around 9 am my 10 year old daughter came into my room freaked out saying that she had just gone into the lounge and there was a little girl sitting in the lounge and that she was sitting the wrong way with her hands resting on the head rest looking at her. My daughter said that she ...
Strange Events At A Funeral by sanjubhat
The events that I am about to narrate happened in Pune, India during my Engineering days. I shall give a brief background of the characters associated with this incident for the benefit of our readers. Paru, Anand and Lalat were my best friends during my junior college days. We were inseparable...
White Light Warning Of Second Sinister Visit by minicab
This happened around 3 years ago, and affected me so badly I have only spoken to 2 people about the events since, and it is only now that I am intrigued and looking for explanations! I was asleep alone in my flat, when an amazingly bright white floated into my room and around to the side of my be...
The Boy On The Stairs by lankyloo98
This is a follow on from my other story, the unfriendly house. After being in the house for less than 2 weeks I was at home alone in the laundry room apart from my 6 month old twins who were in the living room. Both of the twins started to cry really hard. As I was leaving I started to call to th...
Fire Alarm Went On, When My Brother Was Dying by Jamloui
My brother has had a brain tumour since he was 17 years old, when he was 29 years old it started to grow, and we knew that time was short. It was in 2006, the 20 of July about 6.00 am me and my mother woke up because of our fire alarm went off (My brother, had always told us, that we should get i...
The Little Boy At My Moms House by BadxGood24
I have been reading different stories for the longest and decided that maybe I should share my experiences. For starters I want to tell about the little boy that would show up at my mother's house. This is more of my mom's story as well as mine. I didn't start seeing him until later but my mother wo...
Childhood Hauntings In Wisconsin by mvclb3
I remember things happening when I was about three years old... That's about as far back as I can remember. I had three nicknames already, Monkey-Boy, Spooky, and Baby-Bones. I was called, "Monkey-Boy," because no crib could hold me. I'd somehow find a way to climb out, no matter how high the bars w...
My Best Friend Uncle by luisma
As I said before, I grew up in Dominican Republic and lived in the same neighbourhood for a long time. I have a close friend that I have known since we were about 10 and he is closer to me than my brother. In my previous story I pointed out that strange things happened at his house. Well here is one...
The Night Hag by Hexotericka
Of my many experiences, one of the most puzzling has been from my early childhood. I was six years old, and we had been living in a house that was built for us about seven months prior to the incident. From the first few weeks that we lived in the house various oddities started happening around t...
Someone Came A Knocking by NadimahElizabeth
My family and I had recently moved from Florida into a renovated cottage in the countryside of Northern Ireland. We were just beginning to settle in and feel comfortable with the creaks and groans of a different house when I noticed that during the night I would often be stirred by a bluish flash of...
The Haunted Clock Tower by steveheydaljay
I am a textbook clerk in a large school on Long Island, it is a summer job. This job requires me to count, distribute, collect, and fix textbooks which were handed out to the kids during the school year, district wide and both public school and private school. One school in the district, Sewanhaka H...
My Sister's Ghost by Marirosa
I had recently moved into an apartment with my sister and her best friend. The first couple of weeks seemed normal, however I did sense that something was here. Doors would open and close by themselves, my sister would blame it on the wind. I told her that I thought the apartment had a ghost but she...
To Grandmothers House We Go by Ghostluver
As long as I can remember, I have always had a strange feeling at my Grandmothers house in Houston, TX. My dad and me go there about 5 months a year. (My mom doesn't go there because she and my dad's mother don't get along.) When I was about 4 years old, I wouldn't step foot in her side door clo...
House Shaking Ghost by igowako
I had lived in Japan for 6 years. It was when my family and I decided to move back to Australia and live in our sweet little home that we used to live in 6 years ago. Just so you know, while we were living in Japan we were renting the house to other's and our house was built in the 1800's. It too...
Doppelgangers? by miri_chan
I recently had two experiences with doppelgangers, and that was the first time I've ever seen them before. The first time I was at my house, home alone, in my bedroom. My bedroom door is always closed, as is my window. I was looking through my bookshelf and sorting things, when I saw my cat dart ...
Figures Around Bed by MercuryMax
This experience occurred when I was between the age of 5 and 7 years old. I am now 25. I am a logical minded person and don't know what to think about what happened. However I am completely certain that I was not dreaming. When I was a kid, I grew up in a house in the town of Minden, Louisiana. T...
The Family Remembered by Stacier90
I'll start off by giving the background of the story. My step-father, Benji, lived in an old 1940's house he had bought about 20 years earlier. Me and my mother moved in and he later told me how a man had died in their bedroom before he lived there. He was a well known judge in the city. He had t...
The First Sighting by Ps1983
Every experience I have had I can remember very clearly. I had my first when I was 7 years old. My parents went out for the night, and instead of getting a babysitter I went to one neighbors house and my brother went to another. While I was at the neighbors we played in the front yard until all the ...
Protected By A Demon by Ghost6R
July 2009 Fort Irwin, California Okay... Usually I'm a skeptic about these sort of things and even now I try and find the most logical explanation for this. However, that being said, after doing a little curious research, I can't help but feel like I may have been visited by a succubus. I'm not ...
The Red Eyes Of The Daywoods by kariu
I'm Gillian. I am 22 years old, living in the Netherlands. My roots are Indonesian, my mom and dad are both from Indonesia. (And sorry for my bad English) I lived in a city called Alkmaar. It's the cheese capital city of the Dutch people. And know me living in Zaandam that's about 15min from Amste...
Ghost In The Piano by DissonantApathy
This is the story of the only paranormal experience that I've ever encountered first-hand. It took place when I was a teenager, and sparked my interest in the paranormal. I lived in a house with my mother, 2 younger sisters, and my mother's boyfriend. We moved the house when I was ~8, and my sister...
His Present And Past Mother by luisma
This story did not happen to me personally but to my grandma. I come from a big family, my grandparents had in total 13 children and my grandmother has always been sensitive to the abstract world. One of her younger sons died at a young age about 23-24 and it deeply affected everybody, I was too yo...
Feelings by lolzy_34
I moved to this house in 2004. As soon as I moved in I started to get some bad feelings about this house. Before I carry on I'd like to describe the layout of my house. It's the same as every other house on my street. When you walk through the front door straight away on your left is the stairs an...
A Dark Angel Watching Me by minx69
This happened to me not long ago. My friend and I always have deep conversations about if God or Satan is real and so on. Well one night I was talking to her about Guardian Angels and how we both don't believe in them because of what we've done in life. I believe I don't deserve to be watched over b...
Living Room Moments 2 by 4d
My wife and I moved into a new home a few years ago. We were happy that we had our own place to rest with out having our family interrupting us every five seconds to do something. It wasn't our family that we had to worry about bothering us any longer. For the first few months everything was grea...
A Man Playing Guitar All In White In A Street In Liverpool by Mason
About 10 years ago, when I was about 5, I lived in Anfield in Liverpool. It was in the night between 9pm-10pm (I can't remember the exact time), I was looking out the window into my street lit up by yellow street lights. No one was there only a few cars parked up on the sides. Then I saw a man s...
Was This An Old Hag Or Sleep Paralysis Or Neither? by BeautifulParanoia
This is my first time posting here and it's nothing extravagant or anything, I am just curious as to what this was. Ok about 2 months ago, I kept having a reoccurring experience. The first time it was a dream, where a strange girl grabbed my left arm and I was no longer able to breath or move. Af...
Was That You, Hannah? by MediumColette
On my sister's 16th birthday we threw her a big surprise birthday that lasted the weekend. The last night of the party, me, my friend Hannah, my sister who is also called Hannah, and my sister's friend Ryan went up to a park down the street from my house. Me and my friend Hannah were sitting at the ...
Unexplainable House Events by Kiawah7870
Yesterday while sitting at the dining room table, the door to the deck opened softly all by itself and then closed softly all by itself. It was done so precisely and softly that it almost appeared like it had been done by a person. It was not windy and there is no back swing to the door if it is man...
Shaking Bed And Swinging Board by Miss_laura
AS I said in the last story, there is a young girl who is haunting the present house I am staying fortunately for me four other people who have stayed at the house said they have seen her so I wasn't just imagining her. Since my last post she hasn't thrown anything across my room but recently some s...
The Pianist 2 by DementedSpork
Before reading this story, I would recommend reading my other story first. It will give some information on the entity in this story and also how I first 'met' him. It was exactly 2.46a.m in the morning. I was sitting on the left side of my bed, surfing the web on my laptop. I was in the middle o...
Demon Or Angel? by Thomas_J
My name is Thomas Johnson, I'm 15 now but this happened about 10 years ago, I also want to add I have been talking to a friend about all this. My story is when I was 5 years old I was sleeping in my room and I woke up, well I felt tugging on my left arm and when I looked I saw demons pulling at...
Geisha's Song by SummerEclipse22
I went on vacation in Japan to visit my grandmother, who lives in an old fashioned Japanese house. It was quite beautiful; it had a koi pond in the back with gorgeous vegetation surrounding it, fusuma (sliding doors), a spacious porch, etc. It was a pretty old house built somewhere in the 1930s, my ...
A Beach Resort Haunting by sanjubhat
Anand is my best friend since school and one of the few ones whom I have been in regular touch. Like me, Anand too is interested in the paranormal and we have experienced one such occurrence together as described in my story "The Ghostly Hitchhikers". Anand and I are both Engineers by profession and...
Weird Monsters And Childhood Spirits by Cortes
This is my first experience submitted to this site. As a child growing up in suburban PA in the early 90s, I was allowed to be creative, happy and active and had a pretty great childhood. This was around 1992 or so in an area in Eastern PA with a lot less development than there is now. I remem...
I Saw A Ghost That Looked Like My Mom, She's Still Alive? by AlexZeee
I was 12 when this occurred. I came home from school, walked through the doorway and started to take off my shoes. My mom then walked up to me, not saying a word but it looked as if she had just woken up, very tired looking. She stared at me for awhile, I looked up and say "hi mom!" She then tur...
Black Figure Of A Man by SapphireChild
This incident happened 2 or 3 years back. I can see and feel things but not as frequent. I remembered it was on a weeknight and me and my then boyfriend (now husband) went to Hotel 81 at Kembangan and stayed there overnight. The following day I was in the afternoon shift and he's in the morning. H...
The Old Man At The Door by Nady911
This happened to my cousin two summers ago when she went to Morocco since she lives in France and she wants to know what happened. She went to sleep early in our grandparent's room because she got mad about something. She went to sleep and since there was a wedding party going on at a neighbor's ho...
The White Lady by SapphireChild
I have several encounters with the white lady. For those who do not understand cultures from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, let me explain. In non-Muslim society, many refer as a white lady. But for those who understand religions from these 3 countries, it is referred to as 'Pontianak/Langsuir/...
Is My Son Seeing Something I Cannot? by emb1983
This all started about 3 days ago. My 2 year old son awoke from his nap shaking and terrified. (He is very advanced for his age and speaks in full sentences already) Anyway, he told me there were monsters in his room and they were trying to get him. I know, children have overactive imaginations and ...
Night Of Fright by SuperAura
It was a regular night in Grand Cayman, over my friend's house playing video games after a long day of work. But this day was our countries heritage day, a day where we celebrate our past and live like our old timers did back in the day. So after a day of living in the past the day was over and i...
House Of Death by Kali
As long as I can remember most of my family is able to see, hear, feel, and speak to sprits that were left behind in this world. Well years and years of moving when my dad was a child with his parents and six siblings they finally moved into their dream home, on the Milwaukee south side in the 1...
The Spook by danika
It was the summer holidays and I was seven. Me my sister and Mum and Dad were going to Ecuador to my granddad and grandma's holiday home. We went their lot back then until one day when we saw what me and my brother now call The Spook. Earlier on that year my granddad died and that's why my grandma m...
Baby Crying by princess2
This just happened to my daughter yesterday evening. She and her husband were sitting in the living room, when they heard a baby crying. Knowing of course there wasn't a baby in the house, she went to the back bedroom to check it out. Naturally there wasn't any more noise to be heard. When she go...
New Apartment And Disturbed Sleep by pie1025
I moved to a new apartment in the first week of June and since moving am having trouble getting a good sleep. I don't have insomnia or any kind of sleep disorders and have had the ability to sleep anywhere peacefully given a pillow and a blanket. I did not have any trouble sleeping in the initial fe...
My Demon's Origin by Ghost6R
So for those of you that have read my story PROTECTED BY A DEMON, I think I might know where she came from. Spring and Summer of 06 Las Vegas, NV A couple of years ago before I joined the army when I first graduated from high school I moved in with a friend. This house was his parent's but th...
The Figure In Black by LaceyWacey
It was in the summer of 2006, I was 11 then. I stayed with my grandma most of that summer. This all takes place in Oklahoma. The first odd experience I had happened was when I was cleaning up the living room. I don't know why but I happened to look up. I saw a black cloaked figure walk past the ...
Can A Homemade Ouija Board Haunt You? by Ibelieve83
I am not sure where to begin. I guess I will start from the beginning of it all. When I was in the 5th grade my cousin had a sleep over at her house. It was the usual thing of a bunch of little girls screaming and having a good time. However, when my cousin's step sister made the comment about makin...
The Intro To Living In My House by Death12312
I'm a 15 year old girl that I suppose is pretty odd. My sister was the one who introduced me to the paranormal. At first I was frightened of the things that could be lurking in my home. But then I was fascinated with the unknown. When ever a show that has to do with the dead was on I usually watched...
Malicious Ghost Amongst Others by TaraSian
This is my first post on this website so I'll try to keep it related to a specific location. Well first off I've grown up with a family very open to receiving different kinds of experiences. As long as I can remember I've had relatives and family members relate experiences to each other. I have alwa...
Black Figure And Being Shook In Bed by scaredandconfused
My husband and I purchased our home in February of this year. We live here with our two young children. It is a fixer-upper so for the first two months it was kind of hectic around the house. About a few weeks after moving in my oldest daughter told me that she woke up one night and saw a man in our...
The Dandelion by Zhen83
It all started with a precious story out of one of the "Weird NJ" books. My mom was into all the ghost stories and happenings around New Jersey, and she found one that was very neat, and right down the road from my family. It was about the "Changewater Murders," that occurred in 1843. It involved th...
My Scratching Door by lexz
One night when I was 10 years of age I was sleeping in my own room. Now this house was huge, but only one story even in certain spots it would echo. It is located in Medesto, California I can't remember exactly were. Even after living there for a couple months it never felt like I was completely alo...
My Grandma Is Still With Me by steveheydaljay
I'll never forget the evening of December 28, 2006 because it was the day that my grandma died. She had been living with my family in the upstairs apartment of our house for about twelve years after my grandpa had died and we'd grown considerably close. That evening, my parents went out and left me ...
The Girls Who Cried Farmer by GhostGirlChloe
I'm Chloe, and at the time of my encounter I was 12, now 13. I have a friend called charlotte who lives in fish toft. I went round her house to sleepover for the first time. It was all great fun, until nightfall. I didn't suspect anything in her house at all, though her garden looked quite sinister ...
Some Messages From Beyond? by pilarB
Our eldest sister, whose child passed away in February 2009, is wishing to see her daughter face to face but seems not possible. Till this date, she couldn't move on as she misses her daughter too much. In dreams, she always sees her daughter as "sickly", the same as those days before she died. Rece...
Experiences That Have Happened To Me by 666numbers777
My experiences started in 2001 when I was 11, I would lay awake at night on my side and I would feel numb uncomfortable lines going across my back. It also included cold breath on my neck and face, the kind where you put a comforter over your face and you'd still feel it. This went on for about 2 mo...
The Name Whispering Ghost by jreed5909
My story takes place in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee, about 60 or 70 miles from Chattanooga. The summer of 2008 was a really hard one for me, my boyfriend was in jail and I hated being home alone so I went to stay with my aunt, who has grandchildren close to my age. I figured it would be go...
Geisha's Song 2 by SummerEclipse22
After what I've had seen I was determined to find out what happened to her. Going back inside my room wasn't easy, but I had to because if anyone suspected anything wrong with me they would want to leave the house. The next day while in my room I dropped a coin and it rolled under a large chest ...
Sleep Paralysis Or A Ghost? by ChristyJESUS
I'm an Agnostic atheist (former atheist) but I had an intimate relationship with God after being an atheist for a few years but now due to lack of physical evidences, I became an Agnostic atheist but still yearning for the love that I've experienced when I was a Christian yet couldn't find God. I...
Dark Human-like Silhouette by binder1967
We moved into a home in Palmerston Ontario Canada. This home is one of the oldest in the town: Originally built by a doctor around the year of 1883. We moved in and shortly after began seeing black human-like figures looking in the window at us. One night my wife, Christine, and I sat down to tu...
The Young Lost Soul by shea
One night, almost a year ago, I was lying on my bed listening to my MP3 player. I had this weird feeling that night and I couldn't figure out what it was. I felt like someone was watching me. I turned over and saw a young girl standing beside my bed. She had long black hair covering her face. It wen...
Haunted Or Not? by hazardfree
This is my first story here. About 2 years ago, we decided to move out to a different apartment here in Mandaluyong situated on the top floor of a well-known apartment-condo type estate. The unit we chose back then were new and so are the other vacant units, except some were already rented with f...
Closet Door by Catrina
I have had a few paranormal experiences (about ten) since childhood, but the story I'm about to share is the one I think about every day of my life. It happened almost thirty years ago when I was a senior in high school. My best friend spent the night and we stayed up late talking about graduatio...
The White Lady 2 by SapphireChild
I was 16/17 back then and worked at DFS venture. That Wednesday night, I was in the graveyard shift. As we all knocked off at 4am, the company cab would pick us up and send us home. So if you were staying in the North, you would be in the same cab as I am. And since I stayed the farthest, I was the ...
My Work Place Is Haunted by lildragoncat
I worked at a restaurant when I was 18 years old. One night at closing I was cleaning and the shift leader Jane was doing the paper work. She was maybe 6 feet away from me. As I cleaned the table I saw a little girl run past the other side of the table and go to the restrooms. We were closed and...
The Scary Encounter by Harihar
This incident took place about few years ago. I was on vacation to "Kumta", a small town in Karnataka; I stayed there at my Aunt's place. My Aunt's house is located near "Gazni" (a series of small lakes where you breed prawns). Since I had visited there for the first time I had the curiosity to expl...
Is It Possible That I'm Being Haunted By White Women? by blackwitchkarma
Before you read what I have written I have a few things to say about myself. First of all I'm fifteen years old. I'm known to be a mature student at school and I've never taken any drugs or alcohol. I am not a willing believer in ghosts but thanks to some experiences I am not against the idea. I've ...
Tantrums, Apparitions And Magpies by Hanbobs
My Grandma died 7 years ago in her Hospital bed, 5 days after my nephew was born. She had spent her last 6 months in the hospital staring at the same 4 walls day in and day out. Leading up to her death she developed a different personality that would take over her one day and then the next day she'd...
Paranormal Or Not? by skeptical78
This is my first story on this site. I have just recently become a member here so here goes. Let me tell you a little history first. I have always had a fascination with the paranormal, but have not had any experiences of my own. And to tell you all the truth, I would love to have an experience, ...
It Is Trying To Take Me by karoline420
My name is Kerry, Lets start from the beginning, I was 16 years old and living with my parents, I remember everything like it was yesterday. I was laying in bed having trouble falling asleep in fact I was wide awake I had to catch the bus at 7 am so I was mad that I was still awake. I looked up ...
The Child Ghost by virgo_girl_16
It was my second apartment. It was a fair size, nice building and a large and very beautiful court yard. For the first few months it was quite peaceful. Then one night I heard a crash coming from the hallway in my apartment. My boyfriend was asleep so I thought it was my cat. I walked into the hallw...
The Burning Ghost by alicecosantia
Before I was born, my great uncle Joseph died. He was electrocuted to death while working on a power line outside of my great grandmother's house in Jackson, Georgia. One night, when I was about seven years old, I was sitting in the living room at my great grandmother's house with my aunt, Natasha. ...
My Ghost Fred by youngdz79
Let's see I would have to say that the first time I remembered our ghost Fred would be watching Saturday morning cartoons, I was 5 or 6 (now about to be 30). I remember that it got really dark outside and the power went out and I grabbed my sleeping blanket from the chair I was sitting in front of a...
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