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Ghost stories from North Dakota, United States: Page 1
Bonanza by Dar77
This happened in 2014. I had finally decided to try out a DVR, since it was included with the satellite dish package I purchased. Mind you I never really learned how the thing worked, so I never got much use out of it. However one day, I noticed that it had recorded something on it's own. I found...
Something Demonic by Dar77
As I've said before, I have always dealt with unusual & paranormal things. I've become use to all of it. However in the current house I'm living in that we are buying, there have been some things that I feel are out of the usual hauntings I have dealt with. They say that demons and such are know...
Paranormal And Pregnant by Smartini13
So up until today I have wrote off all this as a coincidence. I am in my second trimester of pregnancy. We tried for years to get pregnant and lost multiple babies along the way. Since becoming pregnant, there have been a lot of weird things that make me think paranormal activity is happening. After...
The Happenings On 28th St by Dar77
As you may or may not know I have a few other stories I have shared with this site and also enjoy reading the many stories posted here as well. Throughout my life seems like since I was 12 and beginning puberty, spirits and the unexplainable have been the norm for me. I cannot seem to get away from ...
I Don't Think I'm Alone Anymore by Thor220
Over the last couple of years I have started to experience possible paranormal activity in my home. So far it hasn't been anything that seems to be threatening but I've just been having more and more strange feelings and experiences. Since the last time I published a story on this site my security c...
From Work To Home by Thor220
A couple months ago I posted a story about a possible haunting at my workplace called "Rural Workplace Haunting". And ever since then I have begun to notice some strange activity at home as well. One Saturday I had woke up in the morning and went downstairs to have breakfast, everything was normal. ...
Rural Workplace Haunting by Thor220
About 3 years ago I started working a new job in a building that has a large service shop and office located basically in the middle of nowhere. And ever since I started this job there have been some strange things going on in this building. Most of them myself and the other employees have been able...
Garfield Ghost Town by envogs18
I work at a summer camp, and like most camps of course there is going to be some ghost stories being told. Well one weekend when just staff was at the camp we were all hanging out around the fire and some of the local counselors told us a story about the Garfield Ghost Town; which just so happened t...
My Cousin's Doppelganger by Thor220
Some years ago when I was roughly 9 or 10 years old (I'm 28 now), my family and I were visiting relatives for Thanksgiving at their home about 2 hours from where we lived. We had been to their house many times in the past and I never had any sort of paranormal experiences before. There were quite a ...
Our Starnge Apartment Part I by Hemie
I'll be starting off with my most recent experiences first. I was sitting on the living room floor browsing Netflix. As I was siting there trying to figure out what to watch, I heard a click of the a door handle being turned. I looked up in time to see my bathroom door open by itself. I was the ...
The Ribbon Man by annonymous1234
I know that many people won't believe me. That's alright, whether you believe me or not doesn't matter, the facts are still facts. I am going to tell you the story of the man who gives me ribbons. Over the course of a year, this man started leaving ribbons on my doorstep. Sometimes, they are neat...
The Thing In The Fields by 1GhostStory
My Grandpa is 73 years old, and one thing I would know about him, is that he would never tell a lie. My Grandpa's Grandpa owned a farm in South Dakota (where he is from), and just a little ways from his farm, was a bar, and you had to walk about a mile on a dirt path to get there. Now in my Gran...
Unexpected Visitors Part 2 by CMDF
Continuing on from part one, the day after I saw the shadow figures in my room, I worked most of the day and the incident didn't cross my mind. It wasn't until the day after that, which was my day off, that I mentioned it to anyone. I was sitting in the living room of my apartment with my boyfriend ...
Unexpected Visitors Part 1 by CMDF
This story takes place around 2009-2010. I can't remember the exact date, I'm terrible at remembering the dates of certain events in my life, so sorry I can't be more exact then that. I was about 18 or 19 years old, and living with my then boyfriend Derek and our good friend Gabe. Gabe was seeing...
Creak And Cackle by mrbubbles_delta
several years ago I moved out of my parents house and into an apartment on my own. The first night I slept there I heard an unusual creaking noise from the corner of my bedroom ceiling. It sounded so much like that creature from "The Grudge" that I looked at the corner to make sure that my walls wer...
A Happy Music Box Experience by zetafornow
I had commented previously on another story about my music box collection after reading another poster's story about music boxes. This story is not a scary story but a wonderful sign that I believe I received. My mother and father are both passed. My mother passed before my father and my father ...
Demon Or Violent Ghost Scratches My Hand by Shadowclaw777
In one of my past stories, I talked about feeling like I was being watched, and also of a man that I had seen in my basement. Me being a very curious sort of person, I waited until my parents went out on the night of August 12 and for my two sisters to leave. Once they did, I turned my laptop's micr...
Yunker's Farm Investigation by Shadowclaw777
Me and two of my friends absolutely love ghost hunting, even if we've only gone on one investigation, which was over a year ago. This is what I can remember, from that investigation. Yunker's Farm, a child's museum that's in Fargo where we live, has been known to be haunted by some of the kids an...
Ghost In My Basement by Shadowclaw777
It was a week ago, August 4, 2012, when I began to notice some things that were off about my house. Everywhere I went I felt like was being watched. I had never felt like this before. When I brought it up to my parents and siblings, they thought I was joking. They didn't feel like this, and yet, whi...
Apparition At The Mall by hiya_hayz
One night about a year ago me and a friend went to the mall to eat at the Chinese Buffet (called China Town). All the other stores were closed except for the buffet. The rest of the mall was dark and empty, so after we ate, me and my friend decided to wander about and enjoy the quiet. We didn't see ...
It Lives In The Garage by sensitivetoenergy
I read the comments from my last story, and I wasn't sure if I was going to tell what happened. Then this last weekend I went back to that house and I thought about it, and decided that if I don't tell it, I think I will still feel afraid. And I will admit that I am afraid of this one. It never real...
My Experiences With Spirits by sensitivetoenergy
My family moved to an old trailer home when I was just starting high school. From the beginning there were some odd things, but we ignored them for the most part. The doorbell would go off for no apparent reason, but we rationalized it was a faulty system. Things we couldn't explain were the feeling...
Baby Brings Ghost by zetafornow
When we brought my daughter home from the hospital, my son was four years old. The labor and delivery was much less stressful than my first. My daughter also slept very well through the night, for the most part, and I remember thinking that I deserved this after the hundreds of sleepless nights I sp...
The Ghost In The Closet by zetafornow
This is my second story submission and as with the other one, it is completely true. I have many more to share as my entire life I have had paranormal experiences. I also believe myself to be "insightful" and it does run in my family. Here goes; The house I lived in when I was young had more than...
My Uncle Bids Farewell by zetafornow
This is one of the first experiences that I had with the paranormal and of course, it's true. I was 13 years old and was very close to my Uncle Melvin. He went through some rough times in his life, been through a divorce and had alcohol problem. My mother was his sister and he stayed with us quite a...
Tooth Brushing by franzootzz
I just moved in to an old house. The company I'm renting from said it was built in the 1920's although I'm not sure. Well I moved in and I kept spending the night at the house I was moving out of. The first night I spent the night here I woke up at 3 am to all four of my animals running up the stair...
Voicemail From Beyond? by abcf1226
A family friend of ours, who was 47 years old (I will call John), passed away Thursday June 25, 2009, leaving behind a wife and two young daughters. My dad was best friends with John, and he and my dad both owned a Corvette. John had a ritual of taking one of his daughters in his Corvette for "Cruis...
My Family's Story And The Bird-thing by AuroraRosa
I have two stories to share, so I might as well lump them together. The first one has been in my family for several generations now and has probably been embellished quite a bit over the years, but I'll put it in anyway. My mother's father's father (my great-grandpa) was walking home from school...
Ghosts At The YMCA by AuroraRosa
When my family moved here from Nebraska it was the beginning of summer vacation. I was a hyperactive first grader then, and mom didn't want me in the way of the unpacking. So she enrolled me in a day camp program for kids first through fifth grade through the YMCA, where counsellors took us around t...
The Lady Beside My Bed by colten
About five or six years back I woke up to a terrible nightmare where I was running from a lady that was calling my name as I ran I fell into a pit to hell. Right when I fell into the flames of hell I awoke in fear, still hearing my name. I checked around my house but find nothing strange, as I walke...
I Asked Him What Heaven Was Like by whitehorse
I was in the USAF stationed at Grand Forks N.D. in the early 80's. I had a friend who worked with my husband. His name was Scott, but we called him "Lurch". He worked on the airplanes. That morning, him and four others were working on a plane that had just come back in. It was business as usual. The...
I Heard Talking In the Empty Classroom by TryToFigureItAllOut
Hey! It's me! That kid who has seen ghosts! I just heard one today! This is the weirdest story I've ever written, let's begin with, my school is not haunted! I have seen a ghost outside the building, like in the soccer field, but I never actually seen one in the school. I did hear one. I was earl...
Otis, the Movie Theater Friendly Ghost by Resa
It was my second week working at my town's local theater and my boss (who's been running the place for years!) forgot to mention Otis. Otis was the first owner of the building. He used to hold illegal drinking/gambling parties in the basement a long long time ago. There's a local legend that he was ...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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