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Ghost Hunters starting with the letter H: Page 1
H.P.I. Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International
We have specialists in various fields to investigate the paranormal. We investigate all things paranormal. We are experienced in investigating UFO hotspots, haunted places and homes, demonic cases, Bigfoot sightings, etc. We seek the truth and we use various equipment to capture evidence of the p...
Half-Past-Dead Paranormal Investigations
Half-Past-Dead We are an investigative team based out of West Tennessee, and West Kentucky. We will travel where ever needed. We have been an established group since 2004. Check out our website for more details on us. We are dedicated to providing paranormal investigations to anyone in need. We tak...
Halo Paranormal Investigations
We specialize in everything paranormal...
We are a paranormal research team from southwest Virginia. We have investigated many places big and small in several states. We have many specialties, as well as access to any type of specialist we might need. We have many years of experience on our team, some of our investigators have been in this ...
Haunted Algoma Society Paranormal Investigators
We have come together as friends and now as paranormal researchers to investigate the paranormal happenings in and around Sault Ste. Marie Ontario and the Algoma District. We would love to hear your stories of hauntings and with your permission would like to post them on our website. This is a safe ...
Haunted Auckland is a Paranormal Investigation and Research group based in Auckland, New Zealand. We offer free assistance and support to people who believe they are experiencing paranormal activity, or activity that they just can't explain, in their home or business. We do not charge any...
IS YOUR HOUSE (OR BUSINESS) SEVERELY HAUNTED? A world-renowned paranormal investigator May be able to help, and your case could be Documented on a hit reality show. Please detail the threatening phenomena, The location (home, business, or other), and Any relevant history. P...
We are a paranormal event company who for right now holds one paranormal event once a month movin to more events as we grow. You guys can check us out on Facebook at Haunted in the South or oir website
Haunted Mississippi Paranormal Research
For Investigation Request, please visit the website and select Investigation Request from the navigation bar and complete the entry form. Thank You. Haunted Mississippi Paranormal is a North Central Mississippi based paranormal research group. The goal of HMPR is to research, investigate, and doc...
Haunted Places Paranormal Investigations
We run Overnight Paranormal Investigations in the Kent/Essex Area but are always willing to travel further for a good location. We are also willing to join up with other groups to do any larger more exspensive locations, so if you would like to join with us please contact me....
Hereford's original, respected and long established professional paranormal group. Investigating within haunted Hereford, the County and Surrounding Areas. We a are non-profit making group with years of experience. Also have a sister site that takes you the m...
We are paranormal investigators in Italy. Dedicated to the research and documentation of Paranormal Activities and Hauntings. We research folklore, hauntings, ghost sightings and other Paranormal Activities reported to us by people just like yourself. We use several different types of equipment to ...
Hoosier Paranormal Research is a group of dedicated paranormal investigators in South-Central Indiana. The purpose of HPR is to investigate allegations of ghostly or paranormal activity and to help people better understand it....
Huntington Paranormal Investigations and Research
Huntington Paranormal Investigations and Research (HPIR) offers investigations and consultation services FREE of charge to the tri-state and surrounding areas. We are a scientifically based group who strive for quality over quantity when it comes to our services. HPIR is also committed to preserv...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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