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Ghost Hunters starting with the letter K: Page 1
Kahuna Research Group endeavors to help individuals who are experiencing unexplainable events and to understand why these events are happening through interviews, research, and education. We strive to resolve the events so that all can live in peace. We seek first to help and resolve the human aspec...
Kankakee Paranormal Research Society
Contact us at Our Myspace is Find us on Facebook under KPRS. We are ready to help you!...
Kansas Paranormal Investigators
Kansas Paranormal Investigators, Ghost Hunting Research Society, Psychic Medium & Bioenergy Healing! Kansas Paranormal Investigators out of Topeka, KS uses the latest equipment for scientific results. They are one of very few ghost hunting teams that have their own many-times-validated Psychi...
Ghost hunting, with genuine pictures of apparitions and EVP's. A Psychic-Empathic helps with investigations. 100% genuine....
The Key West Paranormal Society (K.W.P.S.) is the first non-profit paranormal investigative team in Key West, with divisions located in Key West, Florida Keys, South Florida, Central Florida, Northeast Florida, and the Florida Panhandle. We also have a Demonic Division specializing in negative entit...
Knight Paranormal Investigation
Welcome to Knight Paranormal! We are a paranormal investigation team located in the Endless Mountains. We cover all of Northeast Pennsylvania (PA) and the Southern Tier of New York (NY). We also work as paranormal consultants anywhere in the English speaking world. If you feel that your home or ...
Knight Time Paranormal was formed in early 2013 by Dan Cormany and Mike Slein. We started very small and used only what we ahd on our cell phones to collect evidence. Our big break (for lack of a better term) was investigating Gettysburg. From there, we took off. Today we consist of the following 7 ...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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