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Minnesota's Beyond the Veil
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United States
We are a small group of people investigating claims of haunted locations. We investigate various locations, such as homes, business, historical sites, churches, and cemeteries. We even had a few people call us to check out a home they plan to buy, they liked the house, but they felt something not quite right about it. Our site has photos, evps, Spirit Rescuing, case stories, chat form, ghost hunting classes offered, and informative articles.
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Latest hauntings:
- Hearing Voices And Utensils At Work Place
- Dancing Orbs
- Suddenly My Niece Talked Like My Grandma
- Another Childhood Experience
- A Beam Of Light
- My Parents Bedroom
- All In A Dream
- Weird Experience In A Newly Opened Hotel Room
- Beautiful Scent I Think It Was My Mum
- A Traffic Controller's Ghost Story Part 4
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