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FRIENDS OF DUSANA (friends of the spirit)
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United States
Shreveport Louisiana (please email us) (click for map)
We are a group of four in North Louisiana who seek to find answers and communicate with those who have passed as well as respond to calls for help in determining if there is activity in the home or business.
Currently, we all have full time jobs and can only travel to East Texas, North Louisiana and parts of the Arkansas area. Other areas in Louisiana can be arranged for a weekend investigation.
We started our group in May 2009, but all of us have been involved and interested in the paranormal for as long as we can remember. So, it was agreed upon to start an investigative group.
We do not charge for our services and all information is kept confidential when requested.
We do get forms signed before entry into a home, business or gated cemetaries giving us authorization to be there and permission to use any pictures and evps on our site unless specifically denied. Ungated cemetaries, we notify the local authorities who we are and what we are doing.
Two of our members are sensitive to paranormal activity and can sense when spirit energy is near them or when they stand in a spot where something happened.
Before entering a home, we try to research before going in to see who owned the home previously, who died there or who is tied to that home.
We currently use KII/EMF detectors, digital recorders, digital cameras and motion detectors at the present. We will expand our equipment as we go along. Some of the "old school" tactics prove as helpful as high tech sometimes.
We do have a website and have some pics posted to it and will continue to post as we obtain images or evps. We try to have a bit of fun with our site, but we do take investigations seriously.
Take care and if you need us, let us know.
Friends of Dusana (P, P, L & M)
Currently, we all have full time jobs and can only travel to East Texas, North Louisiana and parts of the Arkansas area. Other areas in Louisiana can be arranged for a weekend investigation.
We started our group in May 2009, but all of us have been involved and interested in the paranormal for as long as we can remember. So, it was agreed upon to start an investigative group.
We do not charge for our services and all information is kept confidential when requested.
We do get forms signed before entry into a home, business or gated cemetaries giving us authorization to be there and permission to use any pictures and evps on our site unless specifically denied. Ungated cemetaries, we notify the local authorities who we are and what we are doing.
Two of our members are sensitive to paranormal activity and can sense when spirit energy is near them or when they stand in a spot where something happened.
Before entering a home, we try to research before going in to see who owned the home previously, who died there or who is tied to that home.
We currently use KII/EMF detectors, digital recorders, digital cameras and motion detectors at the present. We will expand our equipment as we go along. Some of the "old school" tactics prove as helpful as high tech sometimes.
We do have a website and have some pics posted to it and will continue to post as we obtain images or evps. We try to have a bit of fun with our site, but we do take investigations seriously.
Take care and if you need us, let us know.
Friends of Dusana (P, P, L & M)
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