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Rhode Island Paranormal Society (RIPS)

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United States
Rhode Island
401 454 9439
Rhode Island Paranormal Society (RIPS) is a unique organization in the way that we combined the science of paranormal investigating with the use of two mediums. We are a non-profit team, dedicated to helping individuals and families with any paranormal needs they may have. Spirits are sometimes just lost souls who need some assistance to move on. With the help of our mediums, our goal is to do just that. They will help you get the answers you have been looking for. On the scientific end, we will record data and use movies as well as still photos to capture any evidence of your phenomenon.
Your privacy is always protected, and we will work to make the experience as easy and as comfortable for you as possible. We welcome investigations in both private homes as well as public areas. RIPS is awaiting its debut TV appearance on Animal Planets, The Haunting as well as developing our own TV pilot. RIPS is the real thing and we look forward to help you to once again feel at peace.

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