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Indy Ghost Hunters
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United States
The Indy Ghost Hunters are a scientific, paranormal investigation team based out of Indianapolis,
Indiana. Since 1996, we have been investigating the paranormal and assisting those who have
Been experiencing paranormal activity. As an active group, we have conducted investigations
In multiple private residences as well as, commercial properties in and around the state of
Indiana. We have investigated the historic Gettysburg National Battlefield, the Chickamauga
National Battlefield, we have even investigated as far away as the St. Augustine Lighthouse,
Military Hospital, and Fort located in St. Augustine, Florida.
Indiana. Since 1996, we have been investigating the paranormal and assisting those who have
Been experiencing paranormal activity. As an active group, we have conducted investigations
In multiple private residences as well as, commercial properties in and around the state of
Indiana. We have investigated the historic Gettysburg National Battlefield, the Chickamauga
National Battlefield, we have even investigated as far away as the St. Augustine Lighthouse,
Military Hospital, and Fort located in St. Augustine, Florida.
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Latest hauntings:
- Hearing Voices And Utensils At Work Place
- Dancing Orbs
- Suddenly My Niece Talked Like My Grandma
- Another Childhood Experience
- A Beam Of Light
- My Parents Bedroom
- All In A Dream
- Weird Experience In A Newly Opened Hotel Room
- Beautiful Scent I Think It Was My Mum
- A Traffic Controller's Ghost Story Part 4
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