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Mid Cities Paranormal Network
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MidCitiesParanormalNetwork is a non profit organization created by Angela Williamson to link members of the paranormal investigative fields together throughout greater Midland/Odessa. We are a family organization who works in affiliation with the West Texas Paranormal Society. Our goal is to investigate private residences and personal businesses where the occupants feel there are paranormal issues and activities occuring throughout the greater Midland/Odessa area. Our mission is to disprove the myths and find the facts of the paranormal realm while assisting in providing comfort and clarification to parties involved.
General Information
Our counties of service are as follows:
Andrews / Borden / Coke / Crane / Dawson / Ector / Gaines / Glasscock / Howard / Loving / Martin / Midland / Mitchell / Reagan / Scurry / Sterling / Upton / Ward / Winkler
General Information
Our counties of service are as follows:
Andrews / Borden / Coke / Crane / Dawson / Ector / Gaines / Glasscock / Howard / Loving / Martin / Midland / Mitchell / Reagan / Scurry / Sterling / Upton / Ward / Winkler
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