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Third World Paranormal
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United States
Our group is a collective of individuals with a range of capabilities. We
Are all united for a single goal, "To seek the truth". We want to learn about the strange
Phenomenom that happens in this world. How it occurs, why it occurs, what makes it
Occur, and how can we study it further?
The members of Third World Paranormal also make it our mission
to help individuals. We want to handle everything as professionally as possible. Yet we
Also want to show our clients how much we care about their situation.
We will conduct a client interview and see what is happening on a
Personal level. Then we will do a basic investigation, and assess exactly what we
are dealing with.
Depending on the type and level of activity that is being experienced, we
will set up a support system accordingly. The support system will remain active until
Issues are resolved, and even afterward. We also routinely check up on current, and
Past clients. Our team also has an open line of client-investigator contact. You can
Contact us at anytime during your case.
If you believe that you are
Experiencing unexplainable phenomena please feel free to contact us!
Email: thirdworldparanormal [at]
Phone: 918-608-4988
Are all united for a single goal, "To seek the truth". We want to learn about the strange
Phenomenom that happens in this world. How it occurs, why it occurs, what makes it
Occur, and how can we study it further?
The members of Third World Paranormal also make it our mission
to help individuals. We want to handle everything as professionally as possible. Yet we
Also want to show our clients how much we care about their situation.
We will conduct a client interview and see what is happening on a
Personal level. Then we will do a basic investigation, and assess exactly what we
are dealing with.
Depending on the type and level of activity that is being experienced, we
will set up a support system accordingly. The support system will remain active until
Issues are resolved, and even afterward. We also routinely check up on current, and
Past clients. Our team also has an open line of client-investigator contact. You can
Contact us at anytime during your case.
If you believe that you are
Experiencing unexplainable phenomena please feel free to contact us!
Email: thirdworldparanormal [at]
Phone: 918-608-4988
Search this site:
Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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