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Spirit Interventions Services/SIS Paranormal Society

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United States
Our service is a NON-Profit service. We are professional and discreet and completely free. We specialize in exorcisms, cleansing and all paranormal issues for home and businesses. Our home base is in Ca.
If we can't reach a client due to distance, we guide and teach them and give them the tools necessary to handle their situation. We believe in empowering our clients. And we offer a life time of support. Clients become part of our family.
We believe in after care and are always there for our clients anytime they need us.
Lisa Gutierrez-Haley the founder has been offering her services for over 30 years with great success. She believes if your born with a gift you should use it to help others. You can see Lisa in the show "I'll haunt you when I'm dead" which played on the Bio channel and A&E, but now available on YOUTUBE. If you have questions or need help email us today. We are here for you and your not alone and we understand what you're going through.

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