I have no idea if this is a ghost story or not, I just don't know what or who it was. I do know it was very frightening.
Twenty years ago I was living in Australia working on a tobacco plantation. My boyfriend and I lived in a few rooms 20 feet from the main worker's cottage. We had no bathroom and I had to go over to the cottage for a bath.
One night my boyfriend was watching television with the other guys in the cottage and after getting my things together things together I walked over for a bath. The bathroom was attached to the back of the cottage and I had to walk in front of the cottage (which had a wooden porch running along the front) and then down the side and around the back to the bathroom. It was a dark night and here was a bright yellow car there and as I went to turn down the side of the house I felt someone there, and then saw two legs right in front of me against the car, I stopped and stared but saw no torso or anything else only legs. I waited for them to speak but because I couldn't see they and they didn't say anything I felt freaked out so ran to the bathroom.
After my bath I was still scared as I walked up the side of the house. When I was nearly at the front of the house I felt the rush of a body running past, only a foot in front of me and heard the heavy footsteps run the length of the wooden porch. Yet even though they ran past right in front of my eyes I saw absolutely no one there. I was very scared then and ran back to my room. The whole time I was there I felt some one watching me.
I ran back to the cottage and yelled at the guys, telling them their little joke wasn't funny and they looked at me like I was mad. When I realized it wasn't them I said well didn't you hear those footsteps run across the porch (as the room they were watching TV from was the front room with just a wall and windows separating them from the porch and how could they not hear the loud footsteps?) They said no and thought I was a nutter! Never mind I was as pale as a ghost and obviously terrified.
From then on I would always feel I was being watched through the windows at night and worst yet whenever I looked towards the window they would run off and make a whistling noise (similar to those party whistles that are rolled up and then un-roll when you blow them)
I was so frightened all the time, but my boyfriend never heard it. One night my boyfriend and I had just got into bed and someone was watching. I sat up and they ran off making that awful noise. I said to my boyfriend "There it was, did you hear it? It was there" and he growled and said "No". I didn't understand, he wasn't asleep, how could he have not heard the loud whistling and the footsteps running off on the concrete? I really thought it was just me going mad then.
It kept happening and in the end I had to leave that place. Does anyone have a clue about this? It was very frightening and I will never forget it.