One night my girlfriend and I decided to head out to picton tunnels, after all the stories we've heard from our friends, and seen on web sites. It was about 10pm when we got there and when we entered the tunnel we didn't hear or see anything. After we reached the other end we started thinking "ok the stories are just to scare us".
So we started walking back through the tunnel to get back to the car, when we were about 100 metres from the exit we heard an old steam train's horn and then we heard it start up and move towards us.
My girlfriend and I grabbed on to each other, our hearts pumping with adrenalin, we heard the train getting closer and closer, then it sounded like the train was just outside the tunnel and then we felt this wind go through us and the train that we could hear was then behind us exiting the tunnel.
After that me and my girlfriend looked at each other as if to say "did you hear that as well?" and then another noise was coming out from the tunnel where the train had left, and in all honesty I can not describe it and I didn't want to investigate after hearing the train so my girlfriend and I ran as fast as we could out of the tunnel and into the car.
Now the story with picton tunnels isn't a straight answer because some people say it's a young girl that haunts the tunnel some say it was an older women but the one thing that does match up is the name and how it happened. Her name is emily and people say that she was going through the tunnels a long time ago to get to school or work and she regularly went through the tunnel but unfortunately she got hit one day.
That was my first experience with a ghost and just thinking about that night is making me shake