My mom's story took place in Laos, A country between Thailand and Vietnam in Southeast Asia. She and my aunt have always been telling how haunted their family and how scary it was. I felt bad my mom and her family went through this and her relative disown them.
Back when my mom was younger, her dad and one of her grandmothers practiced shamanism and witchcraft. Especially my mom's grandmother, not her real grandmother, practiced a lot of black witch craft and all of these spirits that she had to raise them. My mom's grandmother used her witch craft to attack people, make people fall in love, steal other people's husbands, and etc. My mom told me a scenario when her grandma was using the bathroom. I know this sounds like in the 1700s but it was in the 1960s since Laos's economy was not advanced like America.
My mom's grandma went to use the bathroom in the woods. She used a stick to clean herself and she thought she threw it away really well. On her way from home, she met the same stick that she was cleaning herself with. My mom's grandma was upset and spoke to the stick; I can't remember how my mom imitated her words. It was something like why are you here, leave me alone.
My mom said, "It seems grandma's magic is not working because there are times her spirits freaked or harassed her on purpose." My mom also said that this type of magic or witchcraft will attack you if you don't take very good care of the spirits you are raising. My mom said that her grandma was getting crazier as she got older and died. This is the part where it gets really scary. My mom said since her grandma passed away things got really weird. There are times my grandfather's chickens and pigs would die the next day. At night time they would hear their chickens making noises. My grandfather knew it's not a fox or any wild animals.
My mom said the very next morning you would see small foot prints like a human infant feet all over the chicken coop and pig pen. There would be dead chickens. The thing didn't eat the chickens thoroughly but just chewed on the neck here and there. My mom had a feeling it was her dead grandma because her dead grandma was doing witchcraft. Also because when my mom's grandma was still alive she barely had any teeth so she couldn't rip things off.
My mom was thankful that my grandfather didn't practice witchcraft because my grandmother didn't allow it since it was too harsh. Shamanism was good enough. One night my grandfather was really upset because he was so tired of the chickens and farm animals crying and getting killed at night. He took out his shot gun and went outside. He kept on shooting at the air around the house, hopefully to stop something. My mom and her family lived in a secluded area not near the villagers. After the shooting, everything was calm until something happened to my mom's family...
To be continued...