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Ghost Student


I know I just submitted an incident that happened to me at a Seattle school a few years ago, but this happened to me today so I wanted to share it. Ironically this incident had to do with music too. This occurred in Spokane, WA where I currently teach/live.

This morning I was asked to fill in for a music teacher who went home sick. I had never been to this school before but thought I'd check it out. It was a beautiful newer school and everyone was really friendly and I got settled in the music room. I immediately noticed that I started feeling some stress, and a strong feeling of sadness. I couldn't quite figure out why since I love teaching music and everyone was really nice. I had a group of first graders come in and for the most part were pretty good. When their class time was over I had the kids line up to wait for their teacher. Just then a little boy came up to me and very quietly said to me, "Who's that who just walked in right now?" I was trying to give another student a behavior check sheet so just answered "Oh, it's the second graders, they are up next." But then the little boy said, "No, I mean who's that over there?" I turned around and noticed he was pointing to the corner of the room and had a really puzzled look on his face. This little boy by the way was really sweet and quiet throughout the entire class and didn't seem like a trouble maker. I didn't see anyone so I said, "There's no one there." He just looked at me and kept staring at the corner. The 2nd graders had not even arrived yet. Just then his teacher arrived and left, but I got chills.

The 2nd graders arrived and we were going to watch a movie. As the students were getting seated, a boy asked if he could turn off the lights once the movie began and I told him to wait a sec until I hit play on the DVD. Once I got it set I looked towards the light switch and saw another boy standing by it, so I told him "Ok, you can turn off the lights..." Then the boy who had asked in the first place got up and went to turn them off. I quickly glanced at the boy getting up and then I looked back at the light switch and boy I had seen standing there was gone. I remember vividly he was wearing a kelly green shirt and no one in the 2nd grade had a green shirt on... I know it wasn't a first grader from the previous class because I was by myself for about a minute between classes. I also know it wasn't a kid who had left the 2nd grade class because the door was closed and never heard it open. The students also need to ask permission before leaving. I got more chills! I don't think any of the other students saw him because they didn't say anything, but I do wonder if that is who the 1st grader saw.

I had an hour prep time after and felt really uneasy. I kept hearing banging noises but didn't know if it was the heater since I was not familiar with this school. I finally went to library and hung out there. I asked a teacher if this was a new building and she told me no, that it was an older building that was remodeled. I mentioned this to a friend and she reminded me that today is All Souls Day (in the Catholic tradition) She thought maybe it was a family member or even guardian angel of one of the students who came for a "visit." I don't know what it was, but it was non-threatening. I should have asked the first grader what he saw, but didn't think of it until much later.

I've been asked to go back to this school on Friday, so I'll see if I experience anything again. Of course I might be more paranoid, but I won't go looking for anything on purpose. That is not something I ever do.

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Little_dandelion (2 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-05)
Oh jeesus that's creepy! I go to school in spokane washington:P I went to arlington ho wierd would it be if that was at my school because we had 2 deaths when I went there.
scrapmetalkitten (306 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
That is a strange thing to have happened. I have been tapped on the shoulder at North Idaho College when no one did it, at least that I could see. I live in Coeur d'Alene, I have been here for 3 years, just wondering how do you like Spokane?
SoliK (13 stories) (44 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
I have experienced odd occurrences most of my life... I'll share some of them on here in the future. Nothing uneventful happened at the school I was at the rest of this week. I can usually tell the moment I pass or even look at a building if there is unusual energy. I remember feeling that sadness and stress at the school where I was at on Tuesday-where I saw the child ghost. The school I was at the rest of this week felt fine... No activity...I've done some web searches but haven't found anything yet... I haven't gone into the archives for over 10 years ago. The only thing I found recently about Tuesday's school was that all of the teacher's cars there were broken into a year ago-I do remember this because the district sent out a warning to all the schools. It's in a nice neighborhood too. I also remember that my former co-worker's son went to that school and I remember he always complained that his backpack would always disappear and re-appear in another location. Of course that could of been mean kids too. I'll keep you posted what happens when I go back.
faerielike (15 stories) (268 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
Once again, you have put out another story I really enjoyed reading. What a spooky thing to happen, especially for that first grader! Can't wait to see more! 😁
vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
that was a good story, and your explanation of kelly green made me see it very well. I would be willing to bet that most if not all children see things that adults cannot on a regular basis and just assume we're not paying attention or if its a child like spirit, not paying them any mind like we don't see most kids unless their ours. I've thought about it some, but not to much really since I have no positive way of knowing. Maybe since they have so recently been a spirit themselves before entering their earthly bodies they can still reach out spiritually to that other realm and those of us who have been here a while settle into the mortal flesh and forget what we once were, only seeing a miniscule part of reality through our now earthly eyes.
Dan_Paranormal (1 stories) (74 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
That was a very good and interesting story. I love hearing about school hauntings. As many others have said I get the sense that you are quite sensitive to your environment and the spiritual energy that surrounds it. Children have been said to have a knack for spirit spotting, some more than others.

I look forward to hearing more from you SoliK, thanks for sharing your story.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
Solik, My eldest teaches high scool now but before she graduated she worked as a teachers aid at Az. School for the Deaf and Blind. She used to tell me about the many experiences she had there, so I don't doubt the child ghost sighting at all. I can't wait to hear what happens when you return. And yes, you have explained Kelly green correctly. Couldn't have said it better myself. 😊
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
Personally, I get the feeling that the location/school you were at is not going to be the only place you see spirits in the future.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
It seems to me that you are very spiritually open minded, making you able to sense and perceive these spirts. I believe they know this aswell and are drawn to you because of it. The fact that children sense this aswell is of no surprise it is well known that children are very capable of sensing spirits also, this is because there thought mannerisms have not been fully developed for human society per se. Of course it being All Souls day would have no doubt also contributed to this experience.
I believe you have many more of these experiences to come.

Thanks for sharing.

SoliK (13 stories) (44 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
Thanks! Actually my schedule was changed so I will be teaching music at another school for a few days, but may go back to this one the week of the 15th. Kelly green is that kind of bright green (maybe I'm calling it the wrong thing) that a lot of people wear around St. Patrick's Day... Just a brighter green. I just remember the shirt color was green but it didn't look like period clothing. There was nothing green around the room that I could of mistaken it for. I have trouble with children ghost sightings too because I always think that God would take them up to heaven. Of course it could of been like I mentioned a guardian angel. But I remember vividly the boy standing there by the switch. And I'm still curious about what the little first grade boy saw. I will do some online searching about the school and land.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
Solik, I was thinking the same thing as LouSlips and believe that you being a teacher is the outlet to your experiences. It's too bad you didn't get a chance to ask the boy who saw the child what he looked like. Yes, if anything else happens when you go back please let us know. 😊
vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
Was he wearing modern day clothing? I mean really up to date, and you'd probably know being around kids all day and seeing the type of dated clothing and the way it changes in detail. Also, what is "kelly" green? I've never heard a color of green called that. Another thing, I'm just guessing of course since I have not yet passed over and thus could not possibly truley know the details and rules of the after life, that if this child was that young then he was not past the age of accoutability, thereby, his dying would send him to heaven without judgement. I don't see God letting the souls of children wonder willy nilly about the earth lost and would come get them by force if need be to escort them to where they needed to be. So that leaves the question, that if you weren't to tired or over stressed, and actually saw something, what do you suppose that to be?
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
Hi, Solik.
It has been my experience that the energy related to children draws spirits, especially child spirits. It sounds to me like your profession is going to be the vehicle for your sensitivity to the paranormal. Keep us posted on your experiences...I'm very familiar with exactly what you are experiencing.

ParaTam (3 stories) (80 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-04)
SoliK -
Thanks for sharing your story with us.

I'll be curious to see if you have any further experiences on Friday, now that you are AWARE. You should try to do some research to see if there were any young students at that school who died tragically - either online or by asking one of the regular teachers there who might be receptive to the question.

Let us know how it goes!

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