I had lived in Bishopgate Street since 5 years old and I was in bed one night, this was like when I was 7/8 years old, and I began to hear 3 women talking, mumbling to me. I put the covers over my head and thought if I go to sleep I won't be scared.
A few weeks later...
My mum and her boyfriend were in bed when her boyfriend sees a white woman and said she had had hold of his legs and was pulling him out of the bed. Later the next day my mum and my baby brother were asleep when she hears things getting moved...
This happened for weeks but my brother's cot had got moved from one place to another. Sometimes when I went to go the toilet she would watch me...
Sometimes if I had woken up early I would go down stairs and she would be there in the kitchen. I would run back up the stairs and cuddle up to my sister.
Ever since we had stayed in the house my mum had dreams about a white woman telling her to follow her. She would lead my mum in our room and there was a man talking to us and in the kitchen there was a flood. Me, my sister and my brother were all down stairs when the washing machine had broke. We were all scared.
When I was 9 years old I had pains in my dream. I was telling this big huge thing to leave me alone. It never did. It just kept doing it so I awoke and screamed for my mums' boyfriend. I couldn't move. I could talk. That was about it after that night. Nothing else happened. In my next chapter I will tell you about my childhood with ghosts. If you're wondering all the information will be there.
God bless you in all...