This happened in Tijuana, México back in 2002. I studied graphic design in college, and one of the subjects I was taking there was 'photography'. We were taking a tour close to my school to start practicing with the camera and the different effects with the lights and lenses.
I must say that I did not see anything weird when I took the picture. But when I had the negative on my hands I knew something weird was on it. I used a pentax camera, plus X pan film B/W. I can see two things in here, on the left side I see like a wing, I actually see the two of them, like if the person/angel was looking to the right side. And on the right side I see like a hand, the fingers. Like if somebody was walking towards me (I find that pretty scary now cause means it walked through me... Whatever it was). I can't really see anything in the middle, just like a white shadow.
I have showed this to several people, and none of them can't find a logic explanation to it. I also sent this picture to some guys here in Mexico that have a paranormal show on tv, but I haven't heard anything from them.
Maybe you guys could tell me your opinions. At first I thought it could be my grandmother, that passed away just a couple months before I took this pic. But well, I'm open to opinions.