It started when I and my two sisters went to California to visit my uncle and relatives. My Uncle and his family just recently moved there for about a month, but bad stuff kept happening.
It was a really big house to. He decided to call my mom and ask her for advice to move out or not. He said he found like, one grave in his back yard and found like a [one] finger with a ring next to it. So they decided to take the ring and see what it really was. Being freaked out, my mom and I with sister went to pay a visit along with my other uncle since we all were Christians.
When we got there, the first day nothing happened. Everything went smooth. But the for the second day when we were going to convert my uncle into Christian, the mad ghost [or something] got mad and pushed my little cousin [1 year old]down the stairs. At first she started crying [she was upstairs alone] but we didn't care, because we thought she was just mad. When she fell down the stairs, we all got worried and ran to her. She started saying "Someone pushed me". Soon we started to notice scars on her like someone scratched her. The same night when me and my two sisters were going to sleep. The older one woke up in the middle of the night and from that me and my other sister woke up too.
My older sister just jumped off the bed and started running out of the room, but this time me and my sister followed. We asked her, why she did that. She started crying and says someone was holding her arm and she couldn't move at all, so when she broke out of the hold she started running out. And this other time [another day] we were all [everyone] were in the living room and two people were cooking, someone cut the wire for the rice cooker. That night when my Auntie was taking a shower, someone turned off the lights on her.
All this happening got everyone so scared that all the relatives wouldn't stay or sleep in my uncle's house anymore so we all decided to go sleep at a church. After two days passed we all decided to go home now since we were done converting my uncle and them. But the Priest said that the lady ghost was too evil and strong for my uncle and them to move out. Also don't bring anything with them. They stayed in California, just moved out of the house.
So on our way home we saw a shadow in the car mirror. Was she following us? Good that we got back to Wisconsin. It was scary experience in California.
If you want to talk more my email is, aaron.teresa [at]
Take care and God bless.