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Paranormal Life Just Got A Bit More Active


My story begins practically right from when I was born. My whole family is very spiritual and a majority of them are psychic or have had paranormal encounters.

First of, I'll start by saying all of these events have occurred in various places, as my family and I tend to move around a lot but all within the same city.

Now, People may say this is a typical case of a over-active imagination but, my first ghostly encounter occurred when I was around 6.

My older brother used to own this really creepy and distorted halloween mask which I was always petrified of and refused to go near. But of course because of my young age, my mother and brother didn't take much notice of it.

Until one night I was trying to get to sleep in my bedroom which I shared with my brother at the time. (Back then we lived in a big, two story house which was pretty old so the room was quite old fashioned.) Well, As I was trying to fall asleep I had a sudden urge to look over to the walk-in closet we shared, as I rolled over to do so, I caught sight of a large black shadowy figure hovering in the door frame of the closet wearing the halloween mask I was petrified of.

Now, Let me try and define this 'figure.' It looked to be about 6"0 and was wearing what looked like something the grim reaper would wear and it was just hovering by the closet door way... I couldn't see any hands or feet and its face was covered by the creepy mask. Paralyzed with fear, I'm staring at this figure for a good 10 seconds, so I'm positive I wasn't imagining this. Finally, I mustered up the courage to roll over and close my eyes and hope like heck the 'thing' was gone. What felt like hours later I boldly rolled back over to check if it was there, and thankfully nothing was there apart from our empty closet. By then I was crying with fear (Remember, I was around 6 Years-old) and jumped out of bed and sprinted to my Mother's room for safety.

Many other things occurred during our time there but nothing matched up to my creepy encounter. And we moved out in 2007.

Things 'heated up' a little bit when we moved into our 3rd home. Which was literally just a block away from our old house in a nice, suburban area. By then I was becoming more aware of the paranormal and more open to it, at the young age of 10.

I first noticed strange happenings when we were just moving in. This house was much different to our old one, Much more modern and right next door to a protected forest which was one of the reasons it drew my mother in to buying it. For the readers sake I'll also mention the reason we moved was because things within our family were starting to go down hill.

My friend and I would always go to this house after school while my family was busy moving in. At first we thought we were imagining things when we started hearing noises as if someone else was in the house. Banging, Walking around, Doors slamming, Scraping... We told my mother but she brushed it off as us being silly.

Fast forwarding a bit, these entities started to get really active, We would always hear walking around the top story of our house and lights would turn on and off by themselves, Taps would turn on and off on their own accord... My toys would always be moved, We ALL saw quick flashes of shadows and so on.

The breaking point was when my mother was putting my washing away in my room and out of NO WHERE a big bubble comes floating down from my ceiling, It just literally came out of no where or came through the wall, Astounded... My mother called out for my brother to grab a camera and take some photos. We're still not sure what it could be as, It seemed like an orb, except... Clear in color and clearly visible to the Human eye as a 'bubble.'

Things got progressively worse for my family as we went bankrupt, lost our business, car and in the end... Our house. Along with serious family fights and negativity and multiple suicide attempts. Which brings me to believe we might have attracted some new Entities or just made our old ones more active.

In the end, we moved house and yet again only a block away from our old house. And we are still currently occupying the same place. It is a old wooden house, built in the early 1900 with no insulation. By that time I was 12, and super aware of the paranormal and studied it for a hobby. And I do believe we brought our entities with us, as the activity continued and in some ways, stronger than ever.

As my family is fairly physic we've identified that we have multiple entities, 2 Poltergeist's by the looks of things, One of them is a child. As they like to play jokes and hide very important objects around various areas of the house. And a older man (Whom I have seen multiple times) who shows itself as being completely black.

My Mother also senses a few Animal entities, 2 of which I have seen. One of them is a dog, fairly large in size and jet black, (So possibly a Shadow Animal?) I didn't get to see its face because it zoomed past me and the other one is a cat, yet again, Black... But this one I don't know if its a Shadow Animal or not as I Felt it brush past me. So my best guess is that its a pervious family pet come to say hello.

The activity in our house is fairly normal to others encounters, Lights turning on and off, Appliances being turned on by their own accord, Foot steps, Muffled voices, Quick glances of figures... Etc etc...

For some reason a lot of the activity has been drawn to me lately. My radio keeps turning itself on at the most random of times and I keep seeing quick flashes of people. I can also hear someone whispering to me but I cannot make out any words along with breathing. Night time seems to be the most active. Most nights I feel a presence in my room and I can feel pressure by my legs when I'm in bed (It feels as if its a cat as I can hear faint purring and feel needling) My mother also feels this too except much more vivid than i. (I'm wondering if this has something to do with her being more open to them and more 'tuned' to the paranormal world?)

These Entities are also quite helpful at times, like turning off lights, or giving us the feeling to go check something... Etc etc... So they don't bother us. We don't feel threatened by them in the slightest and they give off a good vibe, so I'm thinking they are peaceful entities and don't mean any harm.

There is much more to say but I've already made this story much too long and I apologize if its quite boring. I'm just curious as to what the readers think and if you can answer my questions. One last thing to add, I'm wanting to be more open to the paranormal but I have no clue how to make myself more open, any help with that would be much appreciated.

Thank you for reading my story and all comments and feedback is much appreciated. (:

-CDubber. Xx

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CDubber, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-10)
Javelina, so sorry I haven't got back to you on the whole ghost and earthquakes thing. I haven't been on here for 2 years! Yikes!

As for the paranormal and earthquake front, yes, there has been increased activity due to the earthquakes. Personally, no I haven't experienced anything but have been asking around and shuffling through papers and local media. Due to pretty much all of our historic buildings having or have been bulldozed, it has caused quite a uprising for our ghost residents. Ghost tours are making quite a profit now since our ghost's have no where to live!
lizziebee1992 (2 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-12)
i really liked your story. And it sound like they are very wonderful spirits except for that one you saw when you were very young.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-25)
That would be fantastic! I can't wait to hear what you come up with. I think there may be something to it, and my reasons are many. But top of the list are a couple of the most obvious ones...

1) The power generated when the earth makes such massive shifts has got to have a huge effect on the spiritual realm. The electrico-magnetic field it creates, and we're talking massive, would almost give it free reign to go or do whatever they please.

2) On the other hand, what if it had the oppisite effect? Example: When a child is diagnosed as hyper-active, their physician prescribes medication that, for others, is a stimulant. But for a hyper-active child it has the effect of calming the child down.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to the paranormal. And anytime we can gain new insights into cause and effect, we move the subject closer to legitimacy.

Thank you CDubber, and good luck!
Jav 😊
CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-24)
Javelina; No sorry, I haven't kept records of the paranormal activity over the course of the previous earthquakes. Though my family and I can remember specific encounters leading up to and after the earthquakes. One precise encounter I have imprinted in my memory of paranormal activity was after the September 4th earthquake back in 2010, I promptly remember during the first massive aftershock, I ran to my mothers room and upon entering her doorway I caught sight of a black cat dart into my mothers room out of nowhere. I also remember distinctly feeling the cat zoom past my leg. At the time, the only black cat we had was stuck in the dining room and there was absolutely no way any stray cats could have entered our house.

But, I'm in no doubt that there will be more earthquakes/aftershocks to follow suit. I will be sure to keep a journal of my findings and ask around of my psychic friends/family of their findings.

I shall piece together my findings and post a story on here as soon as possible 😊
CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
Vanessanda; Yes, before these terrible earthquakes I had never heard of such a thing. Indeed, It was a blessing in disguise that the CBD was evacuated! Ah, yes, best of luck! Hope to hear from you soon, if not, have a very merry Christmas 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
Since you live there, and have experienced these before (I'm assuming anyway), I am wondering if you might check on something for me? That is, if you have time and are interested. I have a theory about the paranormal activity in earthquake prone regions. And since you are a sensitive, I was hoping this might interest you as well.
Do you keep a journal, or any records of your experiences, that include the date they occurred? If so, would you be interested in maybe checking those dates with the Geological Survey records in your area to see if anything lines up? For instance, does activity increase or decline before and after an earthquake? And if so, do you notice any difference in the way the activity is presented to you at those times? Does it become more urgent or aggitated?
Anything you may notice and record in the future would be a fascinating record/study to share with others.

Jav 😊
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)

Actually, your explanation was so good, I was able to form a picture in my mind. I tend to be a bit visual with that sort of information so it helps me a lot. Thanks and have a great Xmas Jav
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)

Wow! You learn something new everyday. Never heard of such a thing before!

BTW You're right it was a miracle there were no fatalities, you guys were lucky. From what I read, it would have been a lot different if the CBD hadn't been evacuated!

Ok thanks for the address. I've switched off my email, though, and it will take me forever to get back in as I'm having huge problems. I'm going to run a virus scan and see if that's the problem and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

In case I don't get back to you before, have a good and safe Xmas.

Stay safe ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
Forget my explanation. CDubber said it much better than I could.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
[at] VanessandaHi guys! Just now started reading this, and the earthquakes sound like they were some big rollers! I am originally from California and can answer some questions,

Liquifaction, without looking it up, is saturated soil that, when an earthquake hits, moves and rolls like water does. Quicksand is a good example of liquifaction. But when the earth moves during an earthquake, the effect is very eerie to watch. It looks like normal soil/dirt, but it moves like water in a lake or ocean.
CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
Vanessanda; Liquefaction is the name given to the process that converts Soil and/or sand into a liquid. When an earthquake or seismic event occurs, the immense pressure is so strong the soil/sand and water underneath the surface becomes so compact that it is liquidized as it finds a way to pass through any weak points in the surface, therefore causing Liquefaction.

Hmm, I will give you my email through here that I use for the general public and from there I will give you my personal email address that I privately use.
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)

Reports keep mentioning liquification, what does that mean? Is it maybe sewage coming to the surface? Looks like your power will also be on and off for a while.

I would very much like to give you my email addie because I'm not sure if we're allowed to have off topic chats here but I would rather get it to you in private. If you would also like that, any ideas how to do it?

If I take a while to respond, you should know I'm having problems with my computer
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)

Thanks, I don't know how close Hamilton is to the epicentre but I sincerely hope you and yours are also safe. My thoughts are with you all. Looks like there have been problems in Oz as well. I'm wondering if it's related to the quakes. I'm still reading about it in The Age.
CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
Vanessanda; Canterbury is a region of the South Island, and just below is the Otago region. That being said, New Brighton is a suburb in Christchurch. Oh dear 😢 Looks like we're in for a long, restless night then. I thank God that no one passed away due to these earthquakes and no one was seriously injured. Miraculously with people escaping only with a few minor incidents.
bjtc1 (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
No, Christchurch is the main capital city of the reigon, or provence, of Caterbury.
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
I don't remember the geography. Is Canterbury a suburb of Christchurch? It was a series of 6 quakes and seismic activity is expected to continue, so be careful. The good news is that there were no fatalities this time.
CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
Vanessanda; The South Island. They measured 5.8, 5.8 then 6.0 on the richter scale. They were all centered in the New Brighton region. My family and I are all okay, just obviously very shaken up. Thank you dearly for your concern.
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)

Another three? On which island is Canterbury? Were the quakes anywhere near the last couple?

I hope you are all ok! 😢
CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
Vanessanda; I haven't been able to dig into the history of my ancestors just yet as Canterbury was just rocked with 3 gargantuan earthquakes. (As you may have probably heard.) I'll resume my research as soon as mother nature calms down. Which we are all praying that she does!
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)

Good luck with it. If nothing else you may learn more about your ancestors. I find it interesting that at least 3 of your homes were in the same suburb, maybe your experiences are due to the entire suburb and not just the homes themselves.

Since you have Irish ancestors, look into the Irish Potato Famine of 1845 also. Ireland was part of the United Kingdom at the time and because of cruel policies, millions died either from starvation or disease. There is a theory that there was a deliberate attempt at genocide.

I believe that many Irish migrated during those years but they may have been transported also to colonies as cheap "convict" labour for not having money to pay their rent! Many were evicted from their homes and the males imprisoned. This may have been when your ancestors were either transported as cheap 'convict' labour or they willingly migrated to escape poverty and starvation.

Look into the "Coffin Ships" and see what your ancestors suffered.
CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)
Vanessanda; I had never thought of the possibility of that before, though that could very well be the case. I will get stuck into some research and see what I find. Best of luck, hope to speak with you again soon. ❤
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)

Yeah that was the feeling I was getting and also the possibility that some of the homes you've lived in may have been built by convict labourers. Maybe bad things have happened on those building sites. Your mum might know that a lot of those convicts were people who had simply stolen a loaf of bread to feed their kids. They were transported to Australia and mayb New Zealand, simply to empty out the overflowing British prisons.

Have some work to do, catch up with you in a couple days. ❤
CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)
Vanessanda; My mother believes that there's a possibility that our ancestors were actively involved in early colonisation of New Zealand and that could well be what you are sensing, If that is what you were referring to in your question.
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)

Sounds interesting but I won't ask any more questions since I don't want to blow the story open if you are going to write about it.

Why does my mind keep going back to colonisation with every one of your stories and again with what you've just said about your company? Could you perhaps put that to your mum and see what she thinks about it? 😕
CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)
Vanessanda; Ah, I see. That would make me a little hesitant too. This mist is quite intriguing as a identical photo was taken straight after it where the photo came out perfectly clear. Although my mothers work was sadly shut down in 2008, it was rumored to be haunted as many of my mothers staff and customers sadly passed away during the duration of her companies working days.
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)

I'm sorry I can't offer any advice on Orbs myself. I haven't actually studied the paranormal and am still learning but others here could help you.

What stopped me in the past from uploading my pic is that there were a few disbelievers on site for a while and I didn't want to put my mum's precious orb pic up for scrutiny. Things have settled a bit now so I'm considering it again. I'll let you know if I do.

Shame about your brother's cell phone but I look forward to reading your next story and seeing the "mist" pic.

CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)
Vanessanda; The phone of which the picture was taken on has been long disposed of as my brother goes through cellphones like a dog goes through bones, haha. This peculiar bubble like orb of mine maintained the same translucence as it descended towards the ground and then simply vanished as it came to ground level. I'm certain if you posted your picture on here many people would be more than happy to take a look at it. I'll go take a look at the story now. I'm pretty curious to know what that bubble was and/or what it meant.

Ah, all this talk of photos has reminded me that I have a spectacular photo of this baffling manifesting mist in my mothers previous workplace as my father was taking pictures to put it up for sale. I'll try and upload it with a upcoming story soon. 😊
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)

PS just read a story about a guy who saw and photographed what he thinks could be a spirit orb. It started off as translucent and changed colour. I don't know how to copy and paste http's so I copied it manually. Let me know if you find it. There's a bit of info in the comments about orbs. This one took my eye because I have a pic of what Rook believes is my mum's orb. I'm still teetering between posting it or not in my story about my mum.
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)

You mentioned in one of your stories about something which looked like a spirit orb descending from the ceiling but it was clear. Did the photo come out? If it did, any chance you could post it on the site?
CDubber (9 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-18)
Vanessanda; Haha, yes, people are very much kindhearted and respectful here, I can see how people get along so effortlessly. 😊
Thank you, I was teetering along the lines of thinking my Bio was a bit too much. 😆
My family and I have got names that originate from Ireland as we are part Irish ourselves.
Ah, yes, I've faintly heard of Rookdygin and seen a couple of his comments on a few stories. He does indeed seem to have acquired very high respect from everyone which is lovely to see, as he would strike anyone as being exceedingly helpful.

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