I've lived in my house since I was about 5 or 6. It's a 2 story house with an attic and a basement. When I was little, my parents had a bedroom upstairs that was in the back of the house. It was big, with a walk-in-closet that's broke and stays open about an inch or 2 because it won't shut all the way. When the phone would ring, someone upstairs in my parents room would answer it. It would freak my mom out because when she went to answer the phone downstairs, a light on the phone would come on saying that someone else answered it. My family often found the phone in my parents room answered or sometimes the receiver would be off and sitting next the the base part of the phone. Back then, we had the phone with the cord. My parents just ignored it and finally they took the phone out of their room. Since then we haven't had any problems with the phone but we have with other things...
My parents moved out of the room and then I moved in with my sister. I was 7 or so and my sister was 6. We shared the room for a couple of years and then she moved out (we switched rooms a lot when I was little). When I was about 13, I moved back in to the back bedroom. After a while I started getting nervous in the room. I always felt something was there, watching me. My bed was right across from my closet, so when I went to bed. It's always a little open and it scared me. I started having horrible nightmares and the closet started opening on its own. I would go to bed with it closet and it the morning it would be wide open. Things started getting really creepy and I wouldn't go near the closet. I felt as if something evil was there. I told my parents about things that happened and they didn't believe me. Finally my sister switched rooms with me.
Well, the same thing started happening to her. She ended up moving out of that room to. I'm about to be seventeen and I still won't go in that room. My room is now the second on the right of the hall, which puts me by the room. The room was working but now it's not. I now sleep in my sister's room with her, which is the first room on the left of the hall.
My door opens and closes. You can hear walking around in the hall as well as bedroom doors slamming. In my room though, will get very cold out of the blue. You can hear people walking in the attic above my head. So much stuff happens and it creeps me out.
I used to have friends stay the night and they didn't end up staying. They all used to call home or just go home in the middle of the night because something scared them.