AA few years ago I was staying over at my friend's (Nikki) house for the night. We had stayed awake until about 1 am watching movies and had been lying in our beds ready for sleep for about 15 minutes. Nikki's mother had gone to bed hours before, but got up to say good night just before we went to sleep and also to use the bathroom. About 20 minutes later I started to hear some noises from the kitchen which was just down to hall from Nikki's room. It sounded a lot like utensils and crockery were being moved around the place and being used for different things. The sound of footsteps could also be heard as if someone was moving around the room. The noises continued for roughly 15 minutes.
It was the next morning before either of us said anything to each other, unsure of whether what we heard was real. During breakfast we asked her mother whether she was in the kitchen last night around the time when we heard the commotion. Nikki's mother said that she had fallen straight back to sleep right after she went to use the bathroom.
As the story goes the previous owner of the house was an elderly lady in her nineties, who had passed away near the clothes-line from a heart-attack, and who also had an intense passion for cooking and spent much of her time in the kitchen doing what she loved. Nikki and I both believe that the noises we heard were a result of residual energy left over from the elderly lady.