This story is a continuation from my other story "My Sisters House".
Every time I looked after my niece I would find her (After I put her to bed) sleeping in her doorway to her room. When confronted about this she claimed a man in the corner of her room kept scaring her and she could not get to sleep. As this was starting to become a regular co-occurrence I decided to tell my sister. She was a bit sceptical at first and didn't really pay attention to what I was telling her.
It wasn't until about 2 weeks later that I heard from my sister, she had called my mum and told her she felt as if she was being watched in her home and that my niece was acting strange at night and wouldn't sleep in her own room. Anyway this has being happening for a while now so my sister decided to do some research on the house. Apparently, according to neighbours, a family had lived in the house about 60 years ago. There was a man a woman and 1 small boy. The man was a Physicist and the woman a house wife. They were a very strange family and never came outside nor said hello to anybody. Apparently every time the family came out of the house they had their heads to the ground. Some, older neighbours, say he was doing experiments in the house but nobody knows. The man eventually died and his wife decided to sell the house and move away.
So, presumably, another man and his wife purchased the house. Now the weird thing, the neighbour told my sister that every man and wife that purchased the house had broken up ever since that man and his family lived there. And so did my sister from her husband. About a year passes and she is in a relationship with another man and they break up too. The neighbours have said they have seen 6 married people get divorced because of the house.
Another strange event happened about 3 months ago. My sister had brought home a friend from work so they could have a bottle of wine and a chat. They were sitting on the sofa drinking their wine and chatting and my sisters friend was just looking at a painting and saw a white figure float down the stairs.
My sister is freaked out by this so she invites a friend over, who is a medium. And she told my sister that there was a spirit of a man in the house and wants you to know he is taking care of you. This settles my sisters nerved slightly to know it was not a malicious ghost.
My sister has recently told me she has seen many times a white figure floating down the stairs. But the strange thing is that just recently it has turned black. As I mentioned in my previous story my other sister lives across the street from her and has a good view of her front dining room. She claims she has seen a man walking around her dining table when she was at work and he was all black.
Strange things keep happening and I'm not sure how to explain them other than them being paranormal. But that is what has happened to date.
Any advice or help on why the spirit has turned from white to black would be great.
Thanks for reading,
Kindest Regards