This story is fairly short, because it happened so quickly.
Me and a friend (Patrick) were down in our neighbor's back yard screwing around with our airsoft guns. We were lying on the ground randomly shooting at stuff when suddenly I saw a white head appear by a tree, go to another tree, and disappear. The way it was moving looked like it had a torso and legs and whatnot, but there was no torso. Or legs, of course.
I told Patrick what I saw and he got freaked out and we started unloading on the spot where we saw it with our SMGs. He and I ran up in front of my house and I saw the head behind a fricken' bush. I got freaked out. Again. Patrick was freaking out at that point, as well. Later he denied that he saw it, which was kind of weird. I shot at it and we ran into my house. He made a break for his house down the street. He was okay.:)
Several weeks later some friends told me about seeing the same thing, but I don't know if they were joking or not. There is a boat by one of the neighbor's yard in which one friend told me he saw a head under the boat. Some others told me they saw full-bodied apparitions.
I haven't seen any white heads or anything since, thank God.
Freaked me the heck out!
Fire_Fairy, I do not believe in ghosts. I believe in demons.